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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by rui_troia

  1. No, there should be a option in the round start, that its enabled PVP and the one who makes less damage against themselves, is the chosen one. The more damage you deal against humans, the more chance you have to NOT be CHOOSEN.
  2. rui_troia

    Day Z

    Im so buyng that game.
  3. -
  4. You've smoking the same weed as I do.
  5. Someone drugged my Ice Tea... again

    1. Reap3r


      Someone is being an attention whore.

    2. rui_troia


      Someone is being a negative whore

    3. rui_troia


      Someone is being a negative whore

  6. R.I.P. Trololo guy, also known as Edward, You shall troll us all in Heaven, you gave us many hopes to troll and survive the Internet's damnation and life, atleast for me, rest in peace, Leader of Trolls. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCdkYRx63HM

  7. The trailer is the only salvation of the gamemode. (Being made by me and Frizzy) [Awating him to give me the sound clips]
  8. 10 days to collegue ends!

  9. Episode 3 or gtfo or Half-life 3 ^^
  10. What game do you need to buy to get Day Z?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dr.Minky


      Probably worth just getting the free one though, considering you might end up buying Arma 3 if the rumors are true anyway

    3. rui_troia


      Thank you Dr.Minky... I guess I will just end up playng Valve games.

    4. rui_troia


      Thank you Dr.Minky... I guess I will just end up playng Valve games.

  11. rui_troia

    Day Z

    Day Z is a gamemode in a game(Arma II)? Or its a game in a game?
  12. How can I get DayZ? Uncle rui will help you in-game if you tell him.

    1. Reap3r



      For more info check the DayZ thread

  13. I need your guys opinion, SHOULD I BUY ARMA II? give me 5 reasons.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Clavus


      If you buy it for DayZ, you have but one objective: survive. Arma 2 itself is a military simulator with a dedicated community.

    3. Reap3r


      and remember, It's a sim, not a game.

    4. TechnoNegro


      You should not. Because you want to save money. I dont know what for, buy something useful.


  14. Minecraft server is down = Huge ammount of a clusterfuck horde of minecrafters incoming.

    1. Quert



      Minecraft server is down: dumb minecrafters can't find anything better to do so they whine in Thu'umbox.

    2. Reap3r


      Yo dawg, so i heard you like inception, so we made minecrafters complain while you complain about them while they complain about you, complaining about them

  15. Hatters gona hate. Anyways, good night lads.
  16. First thing, I aint no kid mate, was joking about that shit. Also, taking drugs is bad and not cool, the fact that you smoke weed and drinking isnt cool too but if you compare taking drugs with drinking and smoking weed, taking drugs is just way more serious, I rather drink and smoke weed than taking drugs.
  17. You were playing in the new zs, which was only released like 3 or 4 months ago or something Technically that is old zs. Your history of zs is disgracefull. That's a joke right. That is not Old ZS at all. For present players that is considered old zs. Not the one our ancestors played. Still remember the time that the server supported the Deluvas modding, I could find a automatic shotgun behind a chair. DEM OL' GOL' TIMES...
  18. Remember to do it, Like a baws.
  19. ''Once upon a frame per second...'' ( i was very very "drunk" when writing this infected wars fanfic) ( also holy fuck i had very good writting skills )
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