VMR and rui_troia - Two men army It was a calm night of 12 August that me and VMR worked together in Just Cause 2 Multiplayer.So this is our story.... We met each other in the secondary desert airport of Panau Island, I told him that our first objective was to find a car that would lead us to the docks. We climbed the mountains and we saw a base full of armored cars, somehow, I felt down and rolled for more than two minutes the whole mountain, me and VMR lol'd badly at that happening. A bit more later we finnaly reached the base, we picked a car with a mounted turret on it, my role was driver and VMR's was gunner. So the trip began..Actually, I didnt even know how I got to the docks alive, I crashed my car in every holy wall of the mountains and houses, and also trees. We reached the docks, objective completed. Now the next objective was to reach the two plataforms located in the sea. I drove VMR to one of the plataforms. After VMR got his helicopter, I grapple hooked(Grammar nazi please.) his helicopter, then he took me to the second plataform, where I got my helicopter. Objective completed, our next objective was now to make a first assault to the MHC (Mile High Club), it's a disco floating boat located in the right side of the map. The trip to the MHC was a bit exaustive for me, but we had some funny momments. We named Graple Hookers as ''Headhumpers'', because if someone Grapple hook your helicopter, they will slowly fill your helicopter with bullets untill you get out or explode. We finnaly reached the MHC, our bombing was not that great, but we took down some helicopters and people down. Sadly, someone wiped out randomly VMR'S helicopter with somekind of explosive spam, and for me, I got the bad luck of confronting a guy that made a comeback on me.Me and my rival had the same helicopters, the first momment of the fight was when he started shotting at me, then I started getting altitude and started firing my rockets and machine guns, I made his helicopter stay with smoke, but somehow, he managed to get above me and finish me off in a time of 20 seconds. I got out from the helicopter in flames, and I noticed I had a RPG, I landed with my parachoute in MHC and took my rival's helicopter down, killing him instantly when my projectile hurt his helicopter front. So I said to my mate VMR, that we could teleport ourselves to a place called ''dirtTrack'', that was the closest place to an airport and the MHC. We went there and we picked up some motorcycles, we made a run to get out from the hell of that base, that was raining with 10 years old rpg'rs. We managed to get out from there and VMR said that we are close to an airport, I accepted the quest for the wild road trip. The miracle happened, we found the airport and there was NOBODY in there!(exept some 2 or 3 guys). We walked for the hangars, looking for some hunting planes and we found more than one or two planes, we found more than ten planes resting in these hangars, we picked our planes, but suddently people start appearing from the nowhere, and the take-off road was getting ''busy'', I say, good timing. I had a good feeling about this, but it was like somenthing magical in these planes, I don't know if it's my past struggling or the game's graphics. Yet, VMR followed me on the valley, and here it is...We finnaly reached MHC once again, for a second assault. We made a horizontal line, and waited untill our rockets and machine guns would be in the range of hit from our target. Distance reached, we started firing, and the assault began. God know's how many people we killed in that single pass, I flew over and I saw alot of death people on the surface of MHC, but then stuff got serious, we saw many rich targets instead of people on the range of MHC, we saw helicopters, hunting planes, bombing planes, and a huge big motherfucker transport plane. I said, that we shall go for the big transport plane first.Both of us attacked the transport plane, poor guy that couldnt make maneuvers with that big monster. But the problem is that I was in high speed, so I ultrapassed the big plane, I was going to take another pass to assist VMR to defeat it but then, VMR finished him alone using his Machine gun only, and we saw that big plane being took down in flames... to the endless sea. We both celebrated by shouting at our mics at Teamspeak, after that, VMR has found our next high prior rich target, a attack-bomber, that was one of the most professional acer that I have ever saw. I went to assist VMR to defeat him, the rival ace was flyng a heavy machine, but yet, he had some tricks on his sleeves. The rival ace fly to the clouds and then, the next second we notice that he is behind in one of us, if one of us stays in his front we could be instant-killed, because he had explosive ammunition, and the rockets of the plane looks like some sorta of ''Rocket Light Machine Gun''. Some minutes later, we was on his six, both of us followed him but then, when he was tryng to make a stunt on the MHC to despiste us, he accidently crashes. That was a victory for us. After the ace has been took down, we had many targets, I took down like 1-2 helicopters and a plane with the assistance of VMR, but VMR got like 5 helicopters and 6 airplanes solo( I think It was more), then we made some passes and bombed the surface of MHC, killing a high number of people. The adventure ends by VMR getting accidently crashed, and then I kamikazed inside the MHC for the legendary Lolz. Thats our story for 12 August.