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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by rui_troia

  1. I feel a new topic coming on, Valve games costume thread lolol Episode 3 will come when I post this Picture xd. Cmon lads, lets hit 5 Green lights!(Posting the pic tomorrow)
  2. +1 if You want to see me with sunglasses making a Gordon Freeman Pose with a crowbar. xd
  3. Me Dreaming about Cheese...
  4. Fixed my pc :D:D:D:D!!!!!

  5. Good Luck Boxie
  6. Never tought that my topic would have alot of replies like this O_O.
  7. -
  8. Happy Birthday Clabus <3
  9. Ok, meh, can a admin or a owner remove my topic please ?
  10. No. Rob Zombie at least makes it feel like the game suddenly becomes on edge and the feel of this makes us want to kill everything in our path. The choice of song you chose is something you would get in a turn based RPG or some sort. Nukem I know but this song kinda gives you the feel ''Fock, I must survive... Im going to make it!'',well but you are right, it kinda removes the feel but its just being played at 2:00
  11. Hello once again,gentlemen. I came up with a idea to put a new soundtrack for Zombie Survial Garry's mod. This soundtrack could be used at 2:00,almost on the surviving time been reached.
  12. I like that idea.
  13. Yes but, What happens when admins arent on? What happens if you report and nobody gives a f*ck? Telecampers go in action and ruin our points.
  14. Many from us that play CS:S surf shall know our biggest fear,TELECAMPERS. But how we can avoid them? I would say that somebody should mod somenthing, that whenever you go in a Teleporter you get a 0.50 seconds Godmode. Say your opinion in the comments!
  15. The Portuguese benny hill is epic...

  16. Lets do this ;P No. Dont feel like risking directly... I guess i'll force some gullible people to do a bank robbery for me... like Derren Brown did, in "Mind Control" (I think) !Give rui_troia ''dosh'' (amount:9000)
  17. I'd love to. But currently we do not have any free capacity for a new Source-based server. When can you have free capacity again?
  18. It's because I was so stupid to make it 24/7 deathrun. And it didn't generate any income. Although I was working on a GC plugin with custom skins etc. So Instead of making a Deathmatch server,you can make a Minigames/Fun server... And you could also start a topic that people could vote if they want to take down any TF2 servers for the new Counter strike Source Server.
  19. As I said Ywa, Could you remove the Koth server from TF2 then you can save way more money... Its rare people to play TF2 Koth and I guess its also being a ''Money waste'', just my opinion.
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