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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Botervloot

  1. this app pains my eyes pain
  2. It gave me a massive pain in my butt
  3. Where is fun server Where is surf server If 64 player insta-respawn 2fort is popular, do that. If anything else, Saxton Hale
  4. Dark Horse comics has been producing a ton of great releases
  5. I foresee a lot of "ideas guys"
  6. Is it going to happen
  7. Bedankt! Ik was het bijna zelf vergeten.

  8. Generally, I'm against paying for admin. But because the BF3 server is fairly expensive on it's own, it shouldn't be too bad for people to pay for admin.
  9. Maybe it would be nice to have zombie run-ish ZS maps, where the humans have to progress through a level and the zombies are out to get them
  10. (still many) Thanks for the gift you gave me last Christmas!
  11. Afternoon gentlemen
  12. am I being left out?
  13. So I was just exploring the icy landscape near Winterhold, when I sneaked up on a snow cat (or something like that) trying to kill it because it was in my way. The sneaky arrow attack didn't work out as I'd planned, and I found myself fighting with a sword. After several hits, I was barely alive, when all of a sudden it started to attack a nearby horker. This was a chance for me to give the snow cat what was coming for him. While he was still distracted by the horker, I threw out a couple of direct hits with my sword, and killed the damn thing. The horker looked at me, barely alive, and I thought "Fuck it, I'll kill you too". Bad move. After killing and looting the corpse, I turn around only to find myself meeting with 7 horkers out of thin fucking air. They weren't even there a second ago. I looked them dead in the eye, not doing anything. They somewhat surrounded me. And then all of a sudden a horker off-screen attacked me. Then they all teamed up on me for a fat gangbang fuck
  14. Looking to trade the "Cosa Nostra Cap" for the spy: for any engineer hat.
  15. Yes even a potion to make it I seriously can't stop playing this game.
  16. Perhaps due to the fact that people can kick the least favorable player. Call in an admin when this happens. Updated OP
  17. arena_orangex3000 is fun On a serious note, arena_lighthouse is pretty fun.
  18. Haven't seen you around. Try being on IRC more often.
  19. Why are you all leaving as admin it's not me is it
  20. We should have an "internal" event this weekend. Just a couple of guys playing RO2, no big event. That would be fun
  21. Will there be a closed (internal) beta for it?
  22. Youtube comments
  23. Needs filterable categories of the guns themselves somewhere. Filters on things like price, power, experience and class. Descriptions will probably be more detailed. It would be neat if you'd get a 3D spin-around of the weapon when you click for more details.
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