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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Botervloot

  1. Botervloot


    We don't celebrate Halloween. It's just like any other day.
  2. You're applying for all CSS servers Good luck
  3. CPU: Q9300 @2.5 GPU: 4890 Sapphire RAM: 4 GB OS: Win 7
  4. I've never been caught having sex. Best pageking
  5. Noooo not the locks
  6. That looks interesting. Any release date on this? Or beta...?
  7. OKAY So Pufulet is a clear winner! Second place: Clavus! Third place: Mr.Darkness! Grab your prices by contacting either Clavus or Ywa for your GC! Thank you for joining! « Crew Ywa: Fixed your text. »
  8. What the fuck. Your attitude is really not suitable for admin. Way to immature, and this is only his app.
  9. Exchange DR for Stock
  10. they pick what they want not what you like I am Legend is fairly plot heavy though and has an arty ending. But it has it's "boring" parts.
  11. they pick what they want not what you like
  12. Short app Little info And meatballs
  13. I feel a massive load coming up, and I'm afraid that I'm going to have to leave you guys for 5 min. Bye!
  14. L4G is not your personal blog
  15. Clavus' map: Pro's: - Overall nice style - Interesting gameplay mechanics. Con's: - Sloppy, cheap work (clipping issues, stairs not properly made) - Dull walls EVERYWHERE. - Can't find my way around, get lost easily - Tight corridors provide advantage to zombies Verdict: The map is gameplay wise fun to play on. The bridges are a nice touch to it. Sadly, it's really repetitive, with almost no clear recognition points to go to. For beginners, this map will be very confusing, even for experienced people who played this map often. Meh. It looked nicer in the screenshots. 6/10 ======================================================================== Darkness' map: Pro's: - Variation in environments - Several nice touches to the experience - Variation in size, width, length ect. Con's: - The looks are amateur. - Almost everything looks and feels out of place. Verdict: Suprised by this map. It looks fun to play on, though all those bright lights everywhere, and out of place objects make it look amateur-ish. 7/10 ======================================================================== Pufulet's map Pro's - Has one of the best looks in all 3 maps - Variation in playstyle - Simple for beginners - Looks and plays fun Con's - Design is a little weird (for an oilrig) - Lots of tight rooms - Some parts of the map make no sense (metal is bend, like a bend garage door, yet there is a metal wall behind it, and only the abyss below it, where the garage would have been) Verdict: My favorite. Provides a neat experience. Design should be worked through, but the experience is well done. 8/10
  16. Also Battlefield Bad Company And the weapons handle SHIT in MoH.
  17. Say one game that have better sounds. None. Good, now shut up. Call of Duty Black Ops
  18. I'm going to put dicks all over my weapon yessssss im so original
  19. I felt the need to discuss this game here.
  20. I won't be vip so i won't join or suggest Sherlock Holmes Crank Evil Dead Die Hard (any)
  21. Botervloot as Botervloot Not as Boter, or botervloot, but Botervloot You see, if it was botervloot, it'd be wrong in every possible way. It's Botervloot, with a capital "B". Not /b/, not b, not d, but "B". You see, the history behind it all
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