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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Botervloot

  1. Displacements, Displacements everywhere! Part 1 Start up Hammer. Go to the workset bar, and click the "Texture application button". This little window should pop up. No data has been entered or filled in, because I started with a blank map. A little explanation: ==Texture Scale== The size the texture will show. To put it simple: X is left and right; Y is up and down. Setting it to a higher scale than 0.25 (default), will make the texture will become blurrier and bigger. Setting it lower than 0.25, will make it sharper and smaller. Higher scales are useful for 3Dskyboxes. 3Dskyboxes make everything 16x bigger (default), so making the texture 16 times smaller than the one you're using in the map itself, will make it correspond with it. (making it seamless) Higher scale textures can be used to slightly reduce the load on a pc. Use this only on textures that are still in the map, but not very visible. I don't use this a lot; I'd rather cover it up and delete it all together. ==Texture Shift== It works the same as above, only it shifts the texture left and right (X) and up and down (Y). ==Lightmapscale== How big the lightmapscale should be. Default is 16. Lowering this will increase the lightmap data and make the lightmaps smaller; which in turn result in detailed shadows. Making this higher will make the lightmaps bigger; which in turn makes the lightmap bigger, and gives it a much more "cheap" look. Will result in faster compiling, and slight increase in FPS. 16 is the number of units the shadow will be. Making it lower will result in smaller boxes, thus more "real". TIP: Only lower the lightmap on textures that you see! If you won't even see it, what's the point in adding extra data? Cover "sight" spots with lower lightmaps, and cover "out-of-sight" spots with higher lightmaps. ==Rotation== Rotate the texture. (in degrees. 360 and 0 are the same ) I won't go over the rest, since I wanted to discuss displacements. I made a simple brush, and covered it with a grassy texture. Select the texture application tool (Quicky: "shift+a") Select one face (this is important for now; if you'd click displacement right away, you are going to create a displacement of 6 sides. That's a lot more data than 1 side!) and head over to the displacement tab. Explanation: ==Select== Select a face of a brush. ==Create== Make an displacement with the selected faces. ==Destroy== Destroy the displacement (turn it back into a brush) Notice that the other buttons are gray or don't function yet. You need to turn it into a displacement first! Now, press "create" with a face selected, and notice that the other sides disappear! And so am I! I'm going to finish this up tomorrow or in the weekend.
  2. Lol. No, there's no romance to be found in the whole book. Romance =/= kissing and mating
  3. Girl story written by a man. Reads like your run-of-the-mill romance story.
  4. Botervloot


    So you were kicked and went right back to protesting
  5. Botervloot


    You've been banned for one hour. You were "protesting" or provoking me. Be glad I didn't increase your punishment.
  6. Making a worktable for Fallout 3?
  7. + CarPileUp, Hero & me I also have it ! i have it too i has it to
  8. Are you using particles or smokefumes? Also, some of the little islands look like you subdivided a square. You could at least given them a little bit more depth.
  9. They'd both die. Ninja or Pirate
  10. I strongly disagree with your observations. Yes, there are a lot of people trolling on the communities you move around (which are usually game-related forums), but the internet is far bigger than any of us will ever see. Declaring that you've seen everything the internet has to offer means you're not looking hard enough. If you can name a website where they discuss things properly, I'll gladly change my opinion.
  11. You won't meet any intelligent people on the internet; only trolls. You'll only read about intelligent people, and their articles they make. Arguments are proven invalid, because it's the internet; each person thinks he's right, and won't admit their mistakes. It's a good tool for searching information and reading it, because the data is always up-to-date. Though the information isn't always valid, and can differ A LOT from each site. Finding a trustworthy source can proof to be more difficult than just opening a book and finding your information there.
  12. 3/10 You won't gain any intelligence when listening to Pendulum.
  13. 5/10
  14. I've got a couple of hundreds; this one is cute. (fullsized)
  15. 8/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoAXW30mMAg
  16. Why so fail Everywhere
  17. Decent for a first map.
  18. Looks badass
  19. Nice work.
  20. I mostly meant it for some quick and fun games Stack Overflow Chaos! Explosions and enemy NPC's everywhere! Survive the onslaught whilst battling the other teams! Fly my pretties! The teams have gone back to pigeons for the use of messages! One player in each team is now a pigeon, and he has to pick up and bring back as many packages as he can (scattered throughout the map) to earn points! Wall street menace The stocks have gone to the battlefield! Protect your consumers, and make them buy your stock at your base! Collect items throughout the map to attract the consumers! (Consumers are NPC's that randomly arrive on the map, and are something like a percentage. If you own 50% of the stock, then 50% of the consumers will always come towards your market. The stock is only in this gametype; don't use the stock balance of the whole game!) The other teams can attack the enemy consumers, but if you do, you'll lower your own stock-rates! Cap n' Hack Capture the flag with a twist. The enemy team has an HDD as flag, that you have to capture. Bring the enemy "flag" back to your base, and keep it there for a certain amount of time for the HDD to upload the data to your team's servers!
  21. Uranium
  22. Few ideas for missions: Mirror's Package: Bring a briefcase to certain checkpoints. Hit a checkpoint while holding the briefcase 3 times to win! (It counts per team; not per person) Purely Business: Together with the other teams, you have to eliminate the chosen team! You cannot respawn! If the targeted team can hold out for (*time*), or survive the onslaught, they'll win! If the other teams wins by killing the chosen team, they'll all win! (instead of one team always getting points, multiple teams get points) Evil Mastermind All the teams receive one "mastermind" player (randomly chosen, or the player with the highest score). This player is stronger than the rest of the "normal" players, but is the target of the match. Kill masterminds to rack up scores, and beat the others! (Mastermind = "Juggernaut") Amusement Brawl Melee match. Knives only. Most kills gets the prize! Detonation Obligation Each team respawns close to their "D.A.T" (Defendable Acknowledged Target), which the other teams have to destroy! Defend your D.A.T, and destroy the other "D.A.T"s! When you lose your D.A.T, you lose two points. You'll receive one point for each base destruction. If your D.A.T is destroyed, you and your team will be teleported to the new base, with a new D.A.T. Test Subject "Monkey" A new experimental drug has been developed, and spawned in the map. This drug makes you run faster, but will enable "Deathmatch" on you, allowing you to kill anyone (even your own team-mates by accident). You'll also be unable to hold heavy weapons like machine-guns (because this drug will detract power from your arms to your legs) so only pistols and knives for you! Hold the drug for as long as you can to gain points. Run!
  23. Alt-acc
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