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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by VMR

  1. Roborobb has to win I've never laughed that hard XD (note: laughed "that hard", not "that much")
  2. SACRIFICIAL REPORTING FROM SPAIN! This is why i kick anyone who is afk or just being a douche and not spawning at the start of the round, and I tell people to back away from the zombie spawn or face the consequences (i.e. me freezing them for a short period of time, so that the zombies can get a bit of revenge on the spawn camping douchebags (You can tell my fondness for them) I don't get why we have to leave the spawn campers be, it's a horrible way to start on IW if you're new Well i do admit spawn camping is lame, although if you have a good behemoth all those spawn campers die in a matter of seconds, if i see zombies getting raped at there spawn to the point where they cant even fight back then i start doing what error does which is freezing them and if they continue to ignore me after that then i might slap them with 0.1 damage, not to hurt them but to show them i mean business. Although i dont kick people for spawn camping, the worst is when people spawn camp with turrets, it makes it literally impossible to get out of spawn. You have apparently never seen a real spawncamp. Not a real "Kill the behemoth before he can even aim at the humans, and way before he can press Shoot" kind of spawncamp is the annoying part.. 17 well placed humans vs. 2 zombies, no admins. Now that is spawncamping. I've experienced it several times (I'm mostly the behemoth or a zombie in that situation, because i hate farmining, and that kind of spawncapming is basicly the same, so i suicide when i see it) and its really annoying, because even if 5 good players suicide to help zombies, they're still going to get owned if the humans know what they are doing, now THAT is a problem. Admins should hit them hard in those situations, and give 15 minutes ban's or something, just to show how serious it is. It's the "ultimate spawncamp" and spawncamping is strightly against the rules, If admins should give away [number of minutes] bans, it should be to heavy spawncampers... ********************************************** This post seems a bit negative, so I thought I should make it a bit nicer.. SMILIES! ********************************************** BTW, reply to the actual thread.. They dont have unlimited mines in IW
  3. OMG 100% MEANS 100% PHOTOSHOP >.< U'R TELLIN LIES!! >.< XD Ffs, You all wait, i will become number 3... maybe 4...! WHEN I RETURN from this goddamned place, where theres nothing to do -.-
  4. What about a new, slightly better weapon will be dropped every time a human dies?
  5. VMR

    Save Our Souls

    I think i'm going to play it I think I'll stick with IW aswell though ;D Sounds awesome
  6. Haha nice Must have taken forever :| Yeah.. Forever.. By forever i mean around an hour ^^,
  7. Wow, nice photos ;D Nice camera O.o my camera is like 8mp XD
  8. What do you mean what cat? either you thought ahead and changed that one thing at thew end or you didnt care about it, it shot the vent which inside it was a cat. You burned him to a crisp then you get to play with the sweet kitty while hes covered in blood . I was playing with him for hours i brought that cat to the part where you kill the helicopters but then a bomb landed near the kitty which blew him off the roof. I was screaming NOOOO MR.KITTY!! I CANT LOSE YOU NOW!! and so i jumped after him knowing i was already dead. R.I.P 2009-2009 Mr.Kitty, a companion and a friend CowChucker at his best
  9. Haha yeah i know xD

    Was worth a shot though xD

  10. Its bugged, search for it in google, and you will find a verson that works..
  11. Not to kiss ass or anything, but yeah, i think that too ;p Clavus, you're amazing YOU MADE INFECTED WARS! >.< XD You're a straight up genius
  12. I think Infected Wars is nearly Perfect already, if any more changes are added, i think they should be really small, (Not worth working for) and it should take AGES to get them, or else i think it would change the game totally... I love infected wars as it is now, adding all those "get healed 2 times if your health is below 40" stuff changes everything, and makes it alot harder for humans... As a matter of fact, the only one i liked in the 2nd batch was half the one "When last human u gain 50% more speed and full suit and health"... I loved the idea of the last man getting full suit and health when the secound last man dies.. If he is trapped in a corner, it gives him the boots to get out I think maybe that should be added in the shop I just ask random people for shop ideas if you dont like the ideas talk to me propose some there should be no reason why no one cannot come up and propose an idea no matter how stupid and retarded because its up to the public or the topcrew to decide it. Yeah ^^ I love the shop system idea
  13. I lol'd Cant tell who's who, i dont play zs >.<
  14. I think Infected Wars is nearly Perfect already, if any more changes are added, i think they should be really small, (Not worth working for) and it should take AGES to get them, or else i think it would change the game totally... I love infected wars as it is now, adding all those "get healed 2 times if your health is below 40" stuff changes everything, and makes it alot harder for humans... As a matter of fact, the only one i liked in the 2nd batch was half the one "When last human u gain 50% more speed and full suit and health"... I loved the idea of the last man getting full suit and health when the secound last man dies.. If he is trapped in a corner, it gives him the boots to get out I think maybe that should be added in the shop
  15. sounds good A little short, but still good Looks like every other app though Good Luck PS. Be sure to tie your kingdom
  16. I personally didnt like any of the secound batch, i read some of it, but it seemed like it was all way to overpowered, like regenerating 50% health each secound when close to behe, u will have full health no matter what ur health was in 2 secound, behe can hide while 5 zombies run out from behind the cover and shoot, its nearly impossible to kill them..! Stuff like that Jumping 3 times as high is never necessary, only to map exploit... No maps are that big...
  17. VMR

    Admin Application

    Thanks Hundred... 2 Yeah, I'm not going to exploit admin powers ;p its so disrespectfull against the server host / owner..
  18. VMR

    Admin Application

    hey! there are reasons why i cant be on all the time! but i still have more hours than you Error you have played for longer XD I'm catching up, just wait ;D only because my internet gets throttled between 5pm and 12am GMT, which is when i go on and that was the main reason why cow got to be admin He got to be admin because your internet is a little unstable? there are other reasons too... douche On track (ignoring fatblokey) I think you would be a great admin, btw Error and I are not always on due to real life situations, for the most part there is usually at least 1 admin online at all times. Although error can backstab me a lot there is still usually at least 1 admin on at a time sometimes two if we get lucky. Back on the real track: You would fit in great for an IW admin, you have all the great qualities.. you play the rare times that error nor i are on. Good luck on the competition for admin. Thanks cow ;D ^^ I guess its up to the top crew now..?
  19. which is why i hate you, you are the one person (i think) who has higher hours played than me D:< but i personally think we could do with more european admins, rather than US, because we have cow already, no offence toaster, but also the age thing could be a issue, could be seen as too young by ywa and clavus Mads "outhours" you by maany hours XD He has like 200 Btw, I'm at over 135 190!!! >
  20. I just wrote down some of the things in the store that i noticed and wanted to reply... The rest of the stuff that i didnt write down i think was pretty good ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Didnt like it that much "Lucky Supplier(Idea presented by Cowchucker and Sneed): Makes you start out with 7 ammo packs as a supplies instead of 5" It is kind of a big diffrence from 5 to 7... Isnt it only supposed to be small bonuses for longer playing/donating players? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loved this one, nice "Charge Up(Idea presented by Cowchucker): Increases the regeneration rate of your suit(you can make this only for experimental
  21. That does not happen any more. Not since I fixed it a month ago. If it is a month since you fixed it, i am afraid it does. I saw it last week.. But it doesent necessarily happen to everyone, maybe only a few people, and maybe just a few times in a round, but it also happens to everyone through the whole round.. I was behemoth with M16, bones with bullshot & crowbar of death etc.
  22. I'm sorry if it seems like I'm demanding alot of crap, but the dm_runoff is still full of glitches, and i suggest (you dont have to listen) that you remove the map OR have an Map maker make a "roof" on the top of the map, so that you cant get up on the roofs. And avalon, there is a bug where everyone drops their weapons, and you can pick up all types of weapons... for instance, you can be behemoth with stalker knife, bones with stalker knife, bones with meat cannon, bones with crowbar of death etc. I made a video of the bug that i put out on youtube, but it actually doesent show anything else than i've said here.. Even better; A gun that is like bullshot, just that it pushes humans as far as bullshot pushes props :| Awesomeness.
  23. DONT FORGET LUCKY LUKE AND DUES EX Times i should've gotten Dues: 3 Times i should've gotten LL: 4 ... ... ... And btw, cow i support every word you said ^^ I actually have no idea whats wrong with lucky luke and dues ex, but i suggest someone fix it... + yeah one man's army is really annoying too, as people who play on the IW server alot doesent have it, and they keep trying and keep trying, and they should've gotten it, but every time they survive 3 min +, some new noob gets it... And a little sparetime project for you (Clavus ^^) (Just because i know how much you love working on IW, and how much you wish there was more stuff to do!) Could you add some more achievements? Like, kill 2222 humans, and get 10.000.000 dmg? Eventually, everyone will get the 1m dmg, but 10m takes about 7-8 times as long, so it would take a/some year(s) to get it.. And not a very overpowered reward, but a little cool one ^^ Like bullshot XD gawd how much i love bullshot XD EDIT: Dont mind the last lines, they're just an idea, but LL, dues ex, and one man's needs some fixing
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