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Everything posted by Silver Dot
maybe you should speak for yourself kiddo many people including myself, error and a few others told skate the very same thing in different words. no dice.
yeah, dude, that's kind of unfair and tyrannical
we're kinda turning into a tyranny here ain't we isn't it like a free country(s) ragequitters should be able to ragequit should they feel the urge
you're funny.
I agree, it's kind of hard for new players to start the game. To much complex shit and a bunch of GC is needed to buy upgrades to actually be able to survive a round. At least, that's how I currently feel.
thanks but tbh it's not strength i just keep replaying the mw2 rangers theme song sacrificial, you are indeed correct i posted my post as though i didn't read the op. i did, but i just wanted to clear his mind i failed, apparently
i have lost respect for you you ripped someone off you are not a gentleman
You are a sane person for posting this. wait no you're not you think i'm not pissed at life? all the fucking justin bieber parodies on facebook? looks and charm winning over intelligence ALL THE TIME? of all the fucking whiny, oppressing, cruel, insensitive and obnoxious kids i HAVE to hang out with whenever i get to go to school because i'm sick like fuck? you think i'm not pissed? i am. i have been isolated from society and human contact for over a year. and i care not. i thank the daily pain i receive because it makes me stronger. A man deals with it. Now deal with it, you fucking pussy.
strange weapons aren't as rare and expensive as you think. i just got a strange rocket launcher and shotgun yesterday for a hat 7 other weapons. not that expensive.
why do you even give a shit about my activity? i'm not active because i'm sick with seven fucking diseases i said it like three times in different ways :< ye man!! do you know what my suggestion is lock this thread until further notice
im hotter then those sluts
&start=53&color1=0x234900&color2=0x4e9e00&border=1">&start=53&color1=0x234900&color2=0x4e9e00&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="660" height="405">
that's probably a map problem with the walls being too thin and the radius going through them. if necro lowers the radius you'll probably whine more
Silver Dot last played on May 30th.Also, he hasn't played long enough to warrant the title of being a "zs veteran". i am an oldfag and you cannot prove otherwise! Yeah, I saw that, that was weird, but honestly I can't confirm you playing on the ZS server that much when I played IW more then ZS back then so fuck if i kno
ZS changed alot in the last time it changed since last week?
super extreme caddy racing deluxe starring gimli the russian rapper
I've been enough on the ZS server to understand its basic mechanics and gameplay. Please stop bringing up that pathetic excuse as it doesn't stop me from complaining about your (whiny) complaints.
zombies do use their numbers to obliterate humans normal zombies are really damned slow and have an extremely unstable and short range they do like 10-25 damage a hit, resulting in around 8 hits to kill a human about the ethereal; i have no clue what you're on there so yeah maybe you should stop thinking you're rambo and go all solo on the zombies asses when you're last human or at the beginning of a round, i've seen you in-game and if you're who i think you are your tactics are extremely risky and you shouldn't be surprised you die also can you just stop complaining honest to god it's annoying
watchya gonna do with all dat junk Anyways, once again I'm reminding errybody I'm selling a Vintage Shooter's Sola Topi for just about anything now, and I'm looking for the following armaments: Vintage Kritzkrieg Vintage Bonk! Atomic Punch Vintage Natascha Vintage Gunslinger Vintage Scottish Resistance Vintage Buff Banner Vintage Backburner Vintage Flare Gun Vintage FAN Vintage Crit-A-Cola Strange Minigun Strange Grenade Launcher Strange Stickybomb Launcher I'm also selling a Strange Pain Train.
p. much this I remember when the homepage had a Dutch version of the forums, and I naturally didn't understand shit still since we're a target for DDOSing why not just get a Ventrilo server or something, voices are funner then texts
you know you can disable motion blur by going to options->video->advanced->motion blur
Sexy commentaries here. No? FREE WATERMELONS THEN
Silver Dot replied to Lzoakis's topic in Audio and video
i am mad on a more semi-important topic, i have subscribed -
I fail to see the use of these aforementioned pistons
Sexy commentaries here. No? FREE WATERMELONS THEN
Silver Dot replied to Lzoakis's topic in Audio and video
Yes, but this isn't advertising. This is promoting a Youtube channel. It's the same fucking shit....... Definition of PROMOTE transitive verb 1a : to advance in station, rank, or honor : raise b : to change (a pawn) into a piece in chess by moving to the eighth rank c : to advance (a student) from one grade to the next higher grade 2a : to contribute to the growth or prosperity of : further <promote international understanding> b : to help bring (as an enterprise) into being : launch c : to present (merchandise) for buyer acceptance through advertising, publicity, or discounting -
All I got from that trailer was a few guys in british accents moving along a long bridge talking about pistons