No love for PlanetSide 2? Unless you've been living under a rock for the past year, you've probably heard the name at least once. Basically, it's a f2p MMOFPS with a persistent world. There are three factions in the game. Choose your allegiance and duke it out with the other two factions. Terran Republic The Terran Republic (commonly abbreviated TR) is one of three empires waging war for control over the planet Auraxis. They are characterized by having the fastest firing weapons, with the lowest damage per bullet. They also have the fastest vehicles, with the lowest armor. Vanu Sovereignty The Vanu Sovereignty (commonly abbreviated VS) is one of three empires waging war for control over the planet Auraxis. They are characterized by advanced directed-energy weapons and highly mobile hover vehicles. Their faction colors are purple and cyan. New Conglomerate (aka THE ART OF MANLINESS) The New Conglomerate (commonly abbreviated NC) is one of three empires vying for control over the planet Auraxis. They are characterized by hard-hitting weapons and heavily-armored vehicles that are designed with straight lines and hard edges. Their faction colors are blue and yellow. You can download the client from their website or straight from Steam. Other useful links. Performance tweaks. Weapon damage charts.