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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Kefeus

  1. Kefeus

    Discuss Anime

    Never really got in to Guilty Crown so I ended up dropping it in the 12th episode. The main character is annoying as fuck. Then again, I really dislike Shinji from NGE and Evangelion is pretty decent. Might have to give GC another go some day.
  2. Kefeus

    Discuss Anime

    Why not? I bet some of us have watched enough anime that we could understand at least some of it. And it's not like fan subs are 100% correct either. Stuff from commie and gg etc. is usually pretty good, but they do make mistakes on a regular basis. And then we have cases like Hadena. Hadena is on a completely different level of troll subbing. Here's a decent site that reviews fan subs, if you care about that stuff. It's run by some commie members, so be a bit sceptical while reading it. http://notredrevie.ws/
  3. Kefeus

    Discuss Anime

    First 7 minutes of Evangelion 3.0 just aired. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_aMeQoxEW0 Probably going to be removed soon. Edit. HD quality http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gV4jBw9Tu2k
  4. Kefeus

    Discuss Anime

    It's just borderline hentai. There are a lot worse stuff out there. Funny at some parts, less so on others. It's good if that's what you're asking, but it's not all sunshine and rainbows. It has some hard themes. But moving on. Newest Psycho-Pass episode was great. As expected, the show seems to be moving towards darker themes. Not that I'm surprised, it's Urobuchi we are talking about after all. Edit. Some gentleman on /a/ noted that there are many references to Asimov's short story "All the Troubles of the World" in Psycho-Pass.
  5. Kefeus

    Discuss Anime

    What Griffon said earlier. Psycho-Pass is definitely worth a look. Some are saying it's the next GitS. Would take this with a grain of salt. It's hard to tell at this point.
  6. Kefeus

    Discuss Anime

    Apologies, I might have been a bit too straightforward with my opinion. I tend to get like that. Since you asked, here's a few points. It actually started off pretty good. The characters were mostly interesting and the mc wasn't a total tool like in most animes. It's actually pretty watchable till the island episode. After that it just gets cringe worthy. Yui transitioned from a bad ass lieutenant to a high school girl. The animation quality took a nose dive. It's just atrocious in some points. Seems like they poured all their money to the CGI mechas. Yuuya turned out to be a totally generic main character of a mecha harem that's totally clueless around women. I was surprised when they argued about the Shiranui in the earlier episodes. Bridges actually made good points on how to make it better. Showed that he had some spine. I hear the original visual novels are better, so rather use your time on them. Sure, it's watchable, but there are a lot better mecha shows out there. Edit. I'd still recommend watching NGE + EoE first and then the rebuild ones. They're different stories after all.
  7. Kefeus

    Discuss Anime

    There is just Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse, which is airing now. And you shouldn't watch it because it's shitty. E: Unless you're talking about the visual novels. You should watch NGE. It's pretty much considered a classic at this point. Whether you like it or not.
  8. Kefeus

    Discuss Anime

    Don't want to be a hater here, but there's a whole media franchise (anime, games, manga etc.) that did this before SAO known as .hack (DotHack). .hack//Sign (2002) starts with the main character being trapped in an MMO. Sound familiar? The setting is rare, but hardly unique. I can't really compare them, because I dropped .hack//sign a few years ago midway through. If you enjoy SAO then you'll probably enjoy .hack too. Just a heads up. Edit. I hope I didn't come off too offensive.
  9. Kefeus

    Discuss Anime

    Quite a refined taste you have there. It's pretty easy to recommend most of these. Great series, must watches in my opinion. I still haven't gotten around watching Paranoia Agent though. Might want to check out Katanagatari. While not bad, the retro version doesn't even compare to Ultimate which follows the original manga's storyline. I mean, it's basically the first 2 OVAs with a cliffhanger ending. The opening is great though.
  10. Not what I'd listen but it's not bad. 6/10
  11. Kefeus

    Discuss Anime

    Currently watching: Psycho-Pass I like most of Urobutcher's works so I have high hopes for this. It's been pretty good so far. Who's going to die first? My money goes to the old man. Sword Art Online It's pretty average. Nothing special about it except the VRMMO stuff. Doesn't really deserve all the hate it gets, although I can understand it. Had huge potential. Jormungand Thoroughly enjoying it. One of the best ones this season. Robotics;Notes Don't have an opinion yet. Btooom! Oh hey, another Battle Royale/Hunger Games rip-off. It's pretty enjoyable. The manga is better though. And more extreme. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure It's JoJo. Muv-Luv Alternative It's pretty shit, but I need my weekly mecha dosage. It has some good parts here and there. Chuunibyou I don't know whether I like this one or hate it. It's... interesting. Here's most of what I've watched in the course of 9 years. Linky
  12. Untz all night long.

    1. Mathijs1996


      Wow, f*ing catchy :D

  13. Kefeus

    Day Z

    The alpha should be out before end of the year, most likely in December.
  14. It's actually pretty good, although I find it a bit generic. 8/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xst-ftkUaz0
  15. The nerfbat has hit rangers way too hard. I agree that crit rangers were overpowered in the beta, but now the only viable solution is to go high condition damage with axe & torch/warhorn... So much for build diversity.

    1. Quert


      wtf are you even talking about anyway?

    2. mogadonskoda


      Well in diablo 3 top 9 players who play monk use same skills and runes (runes are just like upgrades for your skills)

  16. It's not just Ring of Fire, there is lag on every server. I'm playing on Gandara (high population server) and it lags like hell during the evening. Also, I just hit level 60! Woo!
  17. Kefeus

    NECROSSINs bday

    Vodka. Also congrats, I guess.
  18. Amphibious pigeons? Sweet!
  19. Having scoped shotguns that shoot electrified rockets is not normal, but on Borderlands it is.
  20. EmRA's song 9/10. I recommend checking out Nujabes, since he has a very similar style. It's a shame he died a few years ago. Rui_troia 5/10. Meh. Time for the good old Future Trunks' theme. Faulconer's techno songs can't even compare to the Japanese soundtrack.
  21. Minecraft without enchantments and a hunger bar would be golden. Enchanting makes the game feel like a chore and is one of the main reasons we don't play anymore. Brewing is quite interesting so I don't mind if it stays.
  22. Take a chill pill guys.
  23. Kefeus

    Day Z

    Your e-penis is huge. Frank still had a bigger one though. RIP. I'm going to wait for before I start playing again. Damn sneaky bastards with NVGs got me again.
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