Apologies, I might have been a bit too straightforward with my opinion. I tend to get like that. Since you asked, here's a few points. It actually started off pretty good. The characters were mostly interesting and the mc wasn't a total tool like in most animes. It's actually pretty watchable till the island episode. After that it just gets cringe worthy. Yui transitioned from a bad ass lieutenant to a high school girl. The animation quality took a nose dive. It's just atrocious in some points. Seems like they poured all their money to the CGI mechas. Yuuya turned out to be a totally generic main character of a mecha harem that's totally clueless around women. I was surprised when they argued about the Shiranui in the earlier episodes. Bridges actually made good points on how to make it better. Showed that he had some spine. I hear the original visual novels are better, so rather use your time on them. Sure, it's watchable, but there are a lot better mecha shows out there. Edit. I'd still recommend watching NGE + EoE first and then the rebuild ones. They're different stories after all.