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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Kefeus

  1. Not my kind of music. 6/10
  2. Good stuff. 10/10
  3. It was a tad bit too repetitive and I don't really like the genre. All in all, it just "wubbed" me the wrong way. (See what I did there?) 4/10
  4. I guess they got sick of Minecraft and all the whiny kids. Like us.
  5. Wasn't too bad. 7/10
  6. Dat nostalgia!

  7. Word. Battlefield 3 is a game where invidual skill means almost nothing. It's neither your fault nor your teammates' fault, if you lose. It's always the team's fault, as a whole. You can't win a team game by yourself. Just something I've learned by playing games like Halo 2, 3, Reach and Gears of War 3 competitively.
  8. Kefeus

    Mass Effect 3

    Well... Fuck.
  9. Peace of cake. Foo Fighters - The Colour and the Shape
  10. How about you don't type in all caps then? I'm sure you'll get your logical, well argumented point across without HAVING TO TYPE LIKE THIS.
  11. They both have their ups and downs, but I vote for normal.
  12. I bet there are players on L4G (including myself) that would enjoy playing in a decent squad with voice chat on.
  13. That was really enjoyable. Mass Effect 2 OST made it even more epic.
  14. Wrong game. I haven't played TOR yet, but the reception seems mostly positive. If I get some extra money, then perhaps I'll buy this.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mr. Darkness
    3. EmRA


      first I was kind of sad to leave the lan party early but now I am not

    4. Salty


      That doesn't sound do bad, I had to deal with 15 drunk girls trying to eat my nachos.

  16. Clean and simple.
  17. Bought Battlefield 3 for 30€. Feel free to add me: TheKefeus. It would be fun to play with some familiar faces.
  18. Creative as in making a base that is impenetrable. True, it might not be pretty, but it's safe. Sadly they're impenetrable these days because we are not allowed to make lava/water mountains. I started playing on this server because it had no rules which tell you "You can't do this, play the game like this instead". Sadly, that's not true nowadays. I despise rules like that.
  19. I disagree. Too many rules limit your creativity.
  20. I blame Minecraft 1.0 It sucks.
  21. I was pleasantly surprised. 9/10
  22. Frozen Synapse is guuuuuuuuuud.

  23. Welcome to the internet, here people like to impersonate.
  24. Welcome Harley. I'm going to try that out right this second.
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