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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Kefeus

  1. Audiophile master race.
  2. My fellow stalkers. Do not throw away hope just yet. Source
  3. Haven't tried them, but the reviews have been positive and I've heard good things about that particular headset.
  4. Sennheiser is the way to go, if you have money to spare. Personally, I've been using SteelSeries Siberia v2 for 2 years now. You can get one for like 60-80€ They're much better than that fatal1ty headset I had before.
  5. This is how everyone looks while looking at MC unban/ban topics. By the way, nice posters you have there.
  6. I think this is closer to truth.
  7. Lol. Stop it, seriously. This is getting fucking ridiculous.
  8. How hard is it to understand that you need to ignite the TNT to shoot it.
  9. You didn't even ignite the TNT you were going to shoot. Therefore it acts like a block, not like an entity (which it should)
  10. Look at the second picture, now back to my comment. You forgot to put redstone wire beside the TNT you were going shoot. Better luck next time. It happens to all of us.
  11. A bit hard since your main post is a flame/troll post directed at Corby. How about you remove them and I remove Darkstar's tits. Sounds like a fair trade-off.
  12. How did I miss this announcement? :o

    1. Salty


      You missed it because you were too concentrated on playing the original one. But... So was I.

    2. Dr.Minky


      You were too busy FAPPIN'. THROUGH A WINDSHIELD!

  13. How about you actually contribute something? We are here to discuss how to make faction wars better. I don't like Drainal either but you have to admit that he has a point. On-topic Agreed. We should have free claiming, but I think we still need the 3 persons in a faction rule. Randomly claimed chunks never actually bothered me.
  14. "For some reason, all Mob Spawners found in SMP have pigs inside them instead of whatever creature they actually spawn, with the singular exception of the Cave Spider." Source Scroll down to trivia. Also this. "Spawners do not drop resources when destroyed, and a placed spawner will spawn only pigs." Source
  15. You just don't know when to shut the fuck up.
  16. The Minecraft community is being shittier than usual.

    1. Mr. Darkness
    2. Clavus


      Nothing is shitty if you just straight-out ignore it.

    3. Sacrevy


      As always, but this time i'm not putting myself into it. I'm not playing Minecraft that much anymore :3

  17. Worth the money, definitely worth the money. Once it sucks you in, it won't let you go.
  18. Mungol is dominate. STEAM_0:0:32714249 Danke schön.
  19. GL HF! This evening will be remembered for a long time. Either as a slaughter of ponies or as a mass murder of teenagers by fine british gentlemen. Perhaps after the match we can have tinychat meet up - again. Should be fun. Also, I've been having some connection problems. If I leave during the game, it's probably because of that. I'll reconnect as soon as possible.
  20. Understood. As long as I can still slaughter ponies. I can still slaughter them, right?
  21. How did your team lose the beginning rush to a team with 5 engineers in it? I don't like the rule, but whatever. If the rule must stay, then it stays.
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