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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Kefeus

  1. Well some people know how to deal with soldiers/scouts/snipers. Honestly, this argument is pretty flawed. Edit. Fine, whatever. I still think map control shouldn't be against the rules.
  2. Ever heard of spies? There, problem solved. Seriously, this rule is pointless in my opinion. I have no problems with the other rules.
  3. The snowman in the first picture is like "soon..." That grin freaks me out.
  4. Attempt #2 I'll be there.
  5. TOLD YOU SO! All hail Kefeus! The prophet who can predict what IronLeaguers say!
  6. Thanks for the help.
  7. I'll be there.
  8. All Salty did was fill it with water, not make it impossible to access The End. Know the difference.
  9. Because... Why the fuck not? Admit it, it's pretty funny to see The End filled with water.
  10. It's so goo.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Raptor


      Wow, you are right. They even changed the name even though the game had the name MGS: Rising at first >_> Now it's 'MG RISING: REVENGEANCE'.... why.....why....

    3. Raptor
    4. Hundred2


      Looks like a generic button masher chop everything to death with annoying voiceacting game to me.

  11. Kefeus

    RIP Corby

    I bet Corby went to earn some money, if you know what I mean.
  12. Kefeus

    RIP Corby

    So Corby went for a 'smoke'. That was like 2-3 hours ago. Speculation on what happened to Corby. Proceed. R.I.P. Corby You were one of the better admins.
  13. Are you serious?
  14. A chair that feeds on humans... that's something new. Also, I think everyone can agree that this is true.
  15. Am I the only one that thinks Minecraft beta 1.8 had better PvP than 1.0? Combat in Minecraft is slow and boring as hell atm.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. terminator


      Well actually i have a full time job unlike most kids here and im sure i make alot more then most here...

    3. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      A pillar of our society, truly.

    4. Ykky


      terminator, i make 5k a year... beat that!

  16. Aye, this we must do. We are the only thing standing between the evil ponies and their overrule. GL HF! Appropriate music included. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5g_Q__xTjw
  17. When we are done dealing with you, that picture is going to look something like this. Délicieux!
  18. ZomBitch and all of the bronies on the opposing team? And like Baron said, there will be blood. Magical pony blood to be exact.
  19. Yeah, Shoutbox definitely needs to be renamed to Thu'umbox.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      I'm crying. I'm crying tears of HAPPINESS.

    3. MiF


      I guess this it's skyrim reference? How about n-... Oh snap...

    4. Balmung


      In soviet russia Thuum Shouts You

  20. 9/10
  21. How about making a whitelist? Would lower the amount of hackers and exploiters since everyone would have to introduce themselves on the forums first. I know it would be a bitch to manage, but I think you could find enough volunteers to help you out, no?
  22. One of the few mods that keep drawing me back. Personally I've been playing MBII since 2005 and still play it every now and then. The mod still has a sufficiently active player base, so you're guaranteed to find some players. Wikipedia article And finally some gameplay. Mod DB download
  23. Pretty good 7/10.
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