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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Kefeus

  1. Not my type of music. 4/10
  2. Kefeus

    The End

    No thanks. Also this 'ban' can be circumvented by finding one of the two portals left on the map.
  3. If you are a fan of abridged then you've probably already seen this. Doesn't make it any less hilarious though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqLvFfwcqfw
  4. So the date is thursday 15.12. ? I'll be able to get on after 20:30 (GMT +2) I don't really care when we play it, if it's on friday or the weekend.
  5. I'm in. Bring on the pain!
  6. Wasting Light is a kickass album. 10/10
  7. Cut the guy some slack, he just wanted to introduce himself. He is new and you don't have to be so dickish (in lack of a better word) towards him. But I digress. Welcome to the forums!
  8. One or two. Either way, I approve!
  9. Yeah, the current system isn't that good imo and those randomly claimed chunks never really bothered me. Also it makes attacking even harder, the defenders can just send a suicide claimer to claim the cannon. There is no perfect system, the players will always find loop holes and abuse them. Don't underestimate us - the players. Just my 2 cents. Edit. You make a valid point.
  10. I like the amount of trust you have for your brothers in arms.
  11. Well done, my horker humping friends.
  12. Just came back from Skyrim midnight launch. It was fucking amazing!

    1. Ywa


      Just came back from sleep. It was fucking amazing!

    2. Ywa


      How was it anyways?

    3. Kefeus


      Free coffee and energy drinks + a chance to play skyrim at the booths.

      So yeah, it was pretty good.

  13. Where the fuck did this mouse get into my room?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mathijs1996
    3. Sacrevy


      Kefeteus killed mouse wielding diamond sword

      Kefeteus killed moues

      wielding diamond sword

      Kefeteus killed mouse wielding diamond sword

      Kefeteus killed moues

      wielding diamond sword

      *kefeteus claimed some land from CheeseLand

      Mouse: FML

    4. Clavus
  14. Kefeus


    Hell no. The lag is almost unbearable with the current player limit.
  15. Disturbing picture is disturbing.
  16. "When tentacles don't give you enough satisfaction, you need to start throwing alms to the poor" -Ykky

  17. Kefeus


    Jump crits, jump crits everywhere.
  18. Some of the confirmed things coming in 1.8 http://mojangcommunity.net/thread-405.html I wonder, if all these changes are for the better. Critical strikes are thing I'm most worried about, since you crit everytime you're in the air moving down... http://www.pcgamer.com/2011/06/13/notch-video-interview-we-want-to-make-minecraft-feel-more-like-a-game/
  19. True, but playing with random teams would have been more fun. The "match" was a bit too clusterfuckish for my taste. Atleast we could kill people when teamkilling was on. So props for that.
  20. Deus Ex: HR marathon starting now

    1. Clavus


      Mine is starting tomorrow night.

    2. Botervloot


      Like Clavus. I've just played to the part where the action is about to start. Going to continue tomorrow.

  21. Congratulations are in order. Gratz Corby!
  22. You are not thinking of a number, because your equations are fucked up.
  23. Count me in.
  24. We also got our share of those shenanigans. Also do you have any images that have higher resolution? You can't actually see his name. I'm still not sure if they were hacking or lagging really bad (perhaps because of the increased player count?), but I'd prefer that the enemy player can't hit me from a range lot longer than my own...
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