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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Lemon!

  1. Happy birthday boter ! cake :c.
  2. Uh. How is that supposed to show it? Can't catch it how it relates on zombie- err, pine-apples, Lol. Unless you start to rage around and eat it at the same time or You rage around throwing pine-apple pieces around.
  3. Capriciosa? Same! Bolognese is okay too.
  4. Painapples ftw ! I don't understand why you don't like em on yer pizza. I think it gives more taste.
  5. Lemon!

    Ban request

    He's a faggot.
  6. "OHAI THERE I WANT DONATE MUNI TO GET GC! "Alright" "I DONATE 30 EUROS NOW GIMME MY GC" -Call shut- "....Time waste" Something like that?
  7. Lemon!


    Retard, don't act like a retard ;p. The bad side is that I don't play MTA. So Uh...Yeah. Or maybe it's a good thing.
  8. Lemon!


    Hello there. and as Peon said already; Welcome to our world.
  9. But doesn't that...Uh. Why you just can't put it to that dying thread and revive it O-o? Just an idea :b. Even tho you don't want to, do it. Saves space.
  10. What is sever. Sever calcalrus? Lolwat. And doesn't that make it so you need to model them?
  11. Graphical issues. What can fix 'em, are the graphical updates. Never had this, altho' sometimes mine sounds/graphics went retarded and rebooted by comp when I got screamfagged.
  12. Gratz mate !
  13. Clavus, Vision counters stalkers, but if there's too much and you are in a fucking small map? Basically, you can't fight back, if you are getting SMG'D by bones, rocket'd by Behe and scream-spammed by 2-3 stalkers. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO GET AWAY WITHOUT HAVING ANY SURVIVIBILITY CHANCES. (Typos) Sure you can plant a bomb, but if you don't have any bombs left? Sure you can mark them with scout, but if you don't have any scouts? Sure you can 1-shot em easily (Not, expect with shotgun) You still get fuck'd up even if they'd be rather long away from you. That made no sense, but espically by some ignorant kids that go "LOLOLOLLOL I POWNODONODNODOND YOUUUUU YOU SUCK NOOB LOL I PRO"
  14. Once again, getting my head blown up. I'd like some nerfs/Upgrades. Firstly, nerf stalker. Or don't. It's your decision. Screamspam is overdoing it, you can scream like every 1 second and you get disoriented for like 5-6 seconds. You can only kill if you are lucky while being slashed by 2-3 stalkers. Which will lead into 2-3 second suffer and after that, death. OR you can shoot before they MANAGE to screamspam. No comments like Learn to play, noob! I don't approve it. Everyone else is still fine, but I'd like if warghoul would get something. Like some of Necrossin gave us. They looked actually sweet. Upgrades; The might anti-scream pads. Yeah, you wear these on your head. It's like headphones, but they reduce the noise. Which will lead that stalkers scream is less effective, let's say 50% off. These are actually useful if you don't SEE the stalker in front of you, because I bet they go all like ASKDSALFSFLDSLKFAFLADL GHOOOSTTTTLDLTDLTTA! They'd cost about 4-5k GC, your decision. The bad side about these is that your hear gets weaker. What would you expect from pads like dat? It's laik a hat, so you can remove it if you want and re-equip. Goods; Gives you a chance against screamspammers Cons; You can't hear a shit. If there's a chance, give warghoul something else? Yes, I love my 3markballs in one throw (It does miracles) But still, after you've gained everything, why not give those who already have everything some more? Too lazy to find Necros posts about some kewl'ass ideas. Why not? Would give more fun to us IW players. And also, rename Zombie survival into Human Survival, thank you. Now. If you did read the whole TEXT OF WALL OF PANC-DOOM, get a cookie. They're right there.
  15. ...Alright then. Heh.
  16. Oh yaeh, looks nice .
  17. Uh, there's a thread ...What was it...And you can put it there. Thanks? Derp.
  18. Well...I bet it's gonna be detailed, so uh...? Also, looks sweet, I can't create stuff like that >_>.
  19. Oh. Well, that's awkward. Thank god I stopped playing ZS now. It's pretty messed up already.
  20. Yeah. Losing 30-40 health just to push people back is retarded. Just make it so any near enemy will get vaporized. If you fall from desperados (From the very end) To the zombie spawn, let's say you do at least 200 damage? That would give it abit more chance.
  21. He's talking about support, not medic >_>
  22. Don't they drop from zombies? Or so, I found them by killing 'em. They're those "ammobox" looking boxes. Also, suppport is pretty useless. And yes, it's hard to level it.
  23. Yeah, tweak. That you use speed and jump down from the tower of desperados right next to a bones, which just stands there without an inch and goes "WTF U DO THERE" And starts to shoot. Also, the amount of GC you need to use it kinda weak. I thought that it would be like...More awesome.
  24. That was actually really well done, awesome job.
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