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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Lemon!

  1. Mine runs at 88F-95F. Is it like around 30-45? If it is, how is your computer so heated
  2. Noo D:, it was rather hard to get it to right pose DB. Weirdocle ftw. I'll see what I'll do nextly.
  3. Head = Blown.
  4. It's finnish Nobana, those guys do not understand it. The Donald duck ses "BIKE OR MUNI?"
  5. Lol, nice job EmRA. And I can guess who those 2 are, tehehe.
  6. Lemon!

    Happy Easter

    Happhah estrusrhsh.
  7. Try joining through "servers", at the servers. - err forums.
  8. Happy birthday!
  9. High five, pardner!

  10. That's...Very Very nicely done, Pardner Owsum indeed. Le upgrade, also, I think I messed the monocle abit.
  11. Mah very first posing. Yes, mine posing skills aren't great D: Anyways, I had some problems with getting everyone into a picture, so I took one from ere. And le Spy and scout from le close of le behind of le what I had problems with faceposing, somewhat they went all like they're clusterfucked or something, so I need to put the expression scale pretty low, so they aren't so facial expressed. Oh my god, the ragdolls are got so fucked is got up so fucked up. Like this; The newest one; Thanks to Emra for posing tips!
  12. But the bad side about randomizer is, that it might go Offblast - Nucleus - Offblast - Nucleus and after that lets say , Sawmill.
  13. Noticed it, isn't it fixed now?
  14. So. I've been playing on Arena alot, and it's getting abit boring for the same mapcycle. As I want to find more maps for the mapcycle, I'll try to find decent ones that do are fun to play and do not give disadvanges to another team, and every single class is ment to be used. As for - arena_harvest_v2 http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/76268 Heard of that thing in KOTH? It's that map. Just abit different. It's an ARENA. Arena_farm_feud_v1 http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/111529 It's inspired by icyworld. Rounds end pretty quickly (Like in arena they are supposed to) But not too quickly. arena_lighthouse_rc1 http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/74150 - Reduced the amount of static props to improve performance - Decreased the fade distance of static props to improve performance - Generally improved framerates http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/105640 Huge areas, lots of spaces to move. Maybe it's gonna be just sniper usage? No idea. Anyways, any critic is good. But no flaming. These are just some ideas. Thank you.
  15. It's awesome . Too bad I don't have such posing skills...I'll learn tho'.
  16. Lemon!

    March Madness

    It's because they can vote 2 times, while we Valve supporters can only once. Bloody Facebook zombies.
  17. Wtf, .bmp. LilEgghead?Hurrwhataname:3.
  18. Mine...Still trying to find a perfect one. Hard shit.
  19. So you do some weirdass poses with ragdolls and all that kind of stuff?
  20. Lemon!


    !throw error. Hey there stranger! Welcome to our filthy forums.
  21. How the hell can this be so interesting D:?
  22. I want support to get something, 2 bombs and 1 nade, while assault gets freaking damage reduction and max health? Why not.
  23. HUNDY SHALL BE NOT VERY IS VERY HARSH TO EMRA BUT YES IS STRUE. And that comic you made, is very true
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