Nick - Asshat. Bill - Horseshit. Soldier - "I will eat your ribs! I will eat them up!" Duke nukem - Eat shit and die. Ol' Good Jesus - Duh? Also, Emra. You are goddamn good drawer
I is can has hax. Don't mind this oen; WORKS? Maybe not. <object width="403" height="344"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="403" height="344" flashvars="videoid=223444"></embed></object> Ffffuuuuccck.. SFNLSFNSLSNL Screw this, does aynonek enkwo ?
I wondered this too, but I didn't mind it after awhile. But notte hey, there has been like 20 players and he still only drained all my suit with a headshot, and I ran away before it was able to kill me.
He whines about everything. Don't take it hard. (Sorry, but it's true Ninja, you call everyone noob and that stuff) But sure, nobody shouldn't be rude againts some other people just for another regionity. Also, Like you don't piss people off.
...13 years old? Are you kidding me? I am not gonna be commanded around by a damn kid! Well, that was pretty harshly said, but whatever. I'm not gonna fight about this then.