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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Lemon!

  1. No, no Metal. Espically not Let the bodies hit the floor/Other very overrused songs.
  2. 3 first, very gloomy, low-pitched, some were good at start, but they all were very repetive. Give more volume. Don't change the instruments so fast. For examle - Drums for 50 seconds then guitar for 10 seconds - repeat. Some of them sound too James Bond 007;ish. With what are you doin these with?
  3. That first one is dead. THE EVOLUTION. I overdid it with the blood though. V:
  4. Or not, I lost the picture from my computer.
  5. 70+30+10 Make it 70/10/20. Also this achievement_turbov120002.tga fffffff, gotta fix that, hahaha. work
  6. So, uh. Spy 70%/Medic 10%/Heavy 20% TYPOS TYPOS Guess it was a best round for me as a spy. Why didn't I take a Screenshot of that when I had 8 backstabs in a row in PL Headless demoman
  7. Thanks to the fanbois. I'll just download it. I ain't paying shitload amount of cash into a game that has 2D explosions.
  8. I left IW, bought helluva amount of stuff and then left....I want my GC Back
  9. If they say you farmed, then it looked like you farmed, what's the big deal?
  10. Copied from clavus ; By not playing the game the way it's intended, but instead play in such a way that it generates more GC for you.
  11. It seems, that you have 404 Greencoins, wait that it'd update?
  12. I feel ashamed about this one. What the hell, did I edit 2 posts
  13. I am ashamed of this as well.
  14. Anything that DOES NOT include screamo/Core* In it.
  15. Lemon!

    TF2 Jokes

    overrused meme, annoying.
  16. That same thing as an avatar and signature? Oh man.
  17. Lemon!

    TF2 Jokes

    Waited if someone would catch me. Congurlations Hundred2, you get a FaN.
  18. Lemon!

    TF2 Jokes

    Very well. Why did The Heavy call Spiderman? He was sick and tired of the Sandman. Why doesn't the spy have friends? Hes a backstabber. What do you get when you cross the Ambassador with an Ubercharge? Diplomatic Immunity. A Spy walks into a bar. Bar tender says, Why the wrong face? What did the Scout say when he got his new, wooden bat for the new season of TF2 baseball? It looks stunning. How many Pyros does it take to screw in a lightbulb? They don't need lightbulbs. They use the other team for light. Why doesn't Scout's Mother talk to Spy anymore? He gave her spy crabs. Why did the Spy go to the bank? To cash a Spy check. Is that a medigun in your pocket or are you just happy to heal me. Uhhuh, not really good, but meh. Whats the Demomans favorite food? SPAM
  19. Maybe none of those medics have those upgrades. Maybe there's only 1 medic. Limits don't work. Stop whining.
  20. Good luck.
  21. "WHERE IS THE INTEL TINY MAN!" Got that idea from EmRA Which is here "Hehee!"
  22. -Checks others- Wait a second Silly me.
  23. Derp, dun maind me lawl. Good luck, i'm too lazy to write what balmung just wrote, so read it.
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