It's so short, I said that I will flame you if it's not good >:C! Fixes; Why I want to be an admin:I votemute people,(Ivan mostly) because people don't know how, I also want to kick people who keep SPAMMING IN CHAT! (Whoa man, just for spamming? Why not just tell them to shut up?) Also, I WILL NOT ABUSE! Please approve! I LOVE MR.GREEN SERVERS I EVEN MADE A CLASS TRAILER. I am admin on MaD Servers, although I honestly don't care about Combat/build and RP. I started gmod 2 years ago and still I can hardly get any kills with some of the people on! (You better not be mean to these guys then, if they're not giving you a chance to get kills, if you understand what I am trying to say)(That means you TSP, Pufulet, and CockBat!) But my favorite map is zs_lighthouse, my favorite weapon I can get is crowbar(Me+crowbar=WIN) AND I am an expert on the history of Mr.Green ZS. Oh, Uh. Ummm..What am I supposed to say about this? Also, I think you should tell more about WHY You should become an admin. Also; IRC. So, you want to be an admin to votemute people and kick spammers. :|. Oh well, good luck anyways, I'spose you are been even once in IRC. I could also tell l what's my favourite weapons and map, even cheeseburger apocalyplse.