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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Tennisballesser

  1. If I do that some CIA agents gonna arrest me
  2. Soooooo many weapons Looking ward to it
  3. He was on ZS, saying stuff like that Then we votemuted him, and apparently he was to drunk to realise he can unmute himself .
  4. Alright guys, since I have nothing to do @ all, I want to make an objectivemap Now the problem, I have absolutly no idea what cind of map / objective I should creat So I would like all of you to post some ideas/ artworks, pictures or anything else that could help me.
  5. I like the calling names part, since I dont talk on the server at all Lovely how you insult me, same cind of raging I saw on the server. ( THis is DEFINITLY a reason for a votemute/gag )
  6. 1. Name of the person who should be banned : I am number 4 2. Reason why he/she should be banned : Reconnecting to avoid gag/mut after continous mic/chatspam 3. Proof : http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198019879882/screenshot/542904782796545754 http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198019879882/screenshot/542904782796548491 http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198019879882/screenshot/542904782796547189
  7. Name of the person : Mcmuffin[nl] Why ? Exploiting ( didnt get other persons name ) Proof : http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198019879882/screenshot/542904782796549652/?tab=public SteamID : STEAM_0:0:26247365
  8. Obvious speedhack is obvious
  9. I can cofirm it ( even though we have 2 video proofs ). It wasnt the first time hes sabotaging / cadebreaking, and he has a prevoius ban for it ( someone unbanned him -__- ) I think he should at least get a weekban !
  10. Nice to see your family Box @ Püfulet / Necrowssin , any new maps hats incoming That's a good question :3 no one give a shit about hats When I see this I want a cratehat
  11. Nice to see your family Box @ Püfulet / Necrowssin , any new maps incoming
  12. just an suggestion... remember... no raging... I think tennis will want one How about no, back to topic, STFU
  13. Getting spammed by 6 wraiths is not a little suprise. Humans fail because of : 20 % cadehumping + long arms ( failcombination ) 20 % no supports / medics 20 % failcading / shitpiling the cade 35 % wraithspam 5 % other random stuff ( like getting crabbed to death )
  14. How to make it harder for humans to win : Make normal do more DMG( like 5 more ) and a bit slower ( A norml can outrun a full HP human ( I WASNT running backwards ) Fix the zombierange Give fastie a small buff ( 1 or 2 DMG more ) Make the poisonzombiespit more usefull ( It does like 5 DMG , only good gor killstealing ) Make the rounds a bit longer Let Zombine unlock earlyer ( 4 or 3 minutes left and not 2 )
  15. did you ever post !?

  16. I saw loads of people complain about Teleport in general. ( TP Sinaround makes someoen face a corwd instead of running away, you can get stuck in the, you can kill entire human team without breaking the cade ) I am making a small poll to see what you guys think.
  17. How about sitting in a failcade for like 10 minutes as last human without getting killed ? ( I only had a UMP )
  18. I would like to come bac to Jasosns idea of a dynamic redeemsystem, which allows you to redeem next to alies. Any way of possibly doing that ?
  19. Hurr, Im not sure much bans there should be to turn them into one permaban :/ To be honest, I would like to see him permabanned. He is a douche towards other players, he lets teammates die on porpouse, he sounds like 10 (!!!) and he NEVER learned anything from his previous bans.
  20. 1. Name of the person who should be banned : Björn Dk and last human kill 2. Reason why he/she should be banned : Last human kill was cadebreaking ( http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198019879882/screenshot/542903423093189423 http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198019879882/screenshot/542903423093185337 ) and Björn for exploiting ( http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198019879882/screenshot/542903423093191088 http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198019879882/screenshot/542903423093187170 ) Additional comment : BOTH previous bans
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