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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Tennisballesser

  1. I just have to remember you on the round on pub, where I told you like 5 tims we have a cadebreaker ( who was 1 of youre friends I think ) Instead of punishing him you just let him do his job so YOU can get more brains And Pufulet, I know the playerbase, I know it really good my son. The ACTIVE playerbase is quite small, im not talking about youre "I played 2 years ago" friends. Now lets love each other and go back to topic ..... Edit : Oh wow, didnt see NECROSSIN warning cous it took a while posting this.
  2. You dont play ZS. You dont know the playerbase You dont know anything about the situation on ZS ( Pufu ognoring cadebreakers INFRONT of him ) You can say whatever you want , but please, if you dont know whats going on : SHUT UP
  3. Pufulet isnt respected by the biggest part of the playerbase ( If you dont believe me just ask the regulars on the server ) And I want the old leaderboard replaced for 2 smple reasons : Its bugged. Stats on it randomly reset, and for some reason this only happens in the "newer" ZS. So the most people on the leaderboard are from the old ZS, but you cant compare them with each other. Nobody in here would say best CoD player is best BF player too, right ? Gameme stas show only the new ZS, and Mogadon, take away 6 days of playtime for AFKIng , populating the server and playing with less then 4 people ( yes I didnt loose faith in this ) And Pufu, if you chnage map, at least ASK people if they want amapchange, and dont change it to shitmaps like cs_bullettheory ot cs_meridian ( meridian got moved out of mapcycle because its DL is bugged btw )
  4. We need more/better admins. Damien isnt avaleble atm ( blame his meany dad ) And Pufu is always either drunk , abusing powers or just being a douche in general
  5. It IS bugged, me and Box would be on the leaderboards otherwise
  6. Am I the only one not involved into any dirty sexstories ?

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Pufulet


      I didnt mean to say weo anyways you fool.

  7. Man walks around a corner , whats missing ?
  8. Hello World, I hate you all btw .

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TechnoNegro


      emo or angry german kid?

      I cant decide.

    3. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      Hello, my name is Gaben.

  9. And THIS is why I hate being German
  10. Never join if Pufulet invites you to a chat, ever !

  11. I might join. Anyways, what Games Civil WAR! will be using ?
  12. This part of the forums is called safehouse, and now its getting flooded by pedophiles
  13. I see status update

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sacrevy


      Finish him! Or finish it.. whatever, just kill it. @BaronBaconeer

    3. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      Reference: Missed.

    4. xeim


      Shoot Them. Shoot them Both!

  14. The loadingscreen should show 2 things. A ) a warning for a massive download/contentlink ( slow internmet takes 1 hour to DL stuff ) B ) Gameme stats instead of "old" leaderboard. The old boards were bugged adn the people shown on it most likely dont play ( and if a "newer" player gets on them their stats "magicly" reset )
  15. ZS had 30 people yesterday WTF IS GOING ON ( it seems while veterans abbandond it it created its own "noob playerbase" )

  16. Sure, I shoot down a chopper with 6 people and it counts as suicide >:(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tennisballesser


      6 enemys suicided at once, I doubt it was a suicide pact.

    3. MiF


      How about if they jumped out? Also it does glitch sometimes that you didn't kill them even tho you killed/disabled vehicle

  17. Like my status if ............. I have absolutly no idea :V

  18. Sooo annoying, killed an entie village, 1 kid spectated it, and now I have 10k bounty )
  19. You all get this shit gifted and I have to pay with my hard-earned money
  20. Naturally? What is that Moonshine thing, man? It's in your title too. What is that? A fantasy-book I'm writing focuses on the main character who talks with the moon, and they have a certain connection - the moon gets more visible as the character is opening up more. She (the character) also calls her friends "The 7 moons of Saturn" as the Moon told her that she is Saturn. She calls herself "Water" too because she feels attracted to the Moon, like water does during high tides. The Moon is initially her only friend when she is awake a lot during the night, as it's the only thing that lights the sky for her. And me, I love the Moon for pretty much the same reasons. The Moonshine in my usertitle refers to my sister that was born 2½ months ago, she always makes us happy. I think Tennisballesser has a point too, though. Ive met soo many special people in my life, I dont even recognise if I meet people who "arent" normal, since nobody is normal ----> Back to topic. New Skyrim patch coming in the next week, including modkit. Modreleasetimes after modkit : 2 Mniutes till first nudepatch 2 Days till first mods adding new dunguens ( YES I KNOW I SPELLED IT WRONG ) 2 Weeks till we have mods filling the entire landscape ( http://ppsh-41.tumblr.com/post/13145143504/entire-tamriel-landmass-built-into-skyrim )
  21. 1 month since I achived "longest playedtime award" in ZS, I think my addiction is cured :o

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Tennisballesser


      Zechno sucks at ZS, hes still mad about that, now he has to insult everyone.

    3. TechnoNegro


      404 life not found

  22. Naturally? What the fuck is that Moonshine shit, man? It's in your title too. What the fuck is that? THE SISTERS OF THE HIDDEN MOONLIGHT COLLEGE !!! or so i guess :3 Mentally loonatic I guess
  23. Yeah how dares he play in a way that I do not prefer. What an asshole How DARES he Dovahkiin Dovahkiin Naal ok zin los vahriin Wah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal Ahrk fin norok paal graan Fod nust hon zindro zaan Dovahkiin Fah hin kogaan mu draal ( cant get these words outta mah head HELP )
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