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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Tennisballesser

  1. It has nothing to say nobody posted here for a month , right ? Zombie should go back to the old 1-spawn system, zombies spawning all over the map can be incredibly annoying and even fuck cades up.
  2. That dragon really has to learn to land http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198019879882/screenshot/595828491610544130?tab=public
  3. Noobtip : I cant store my 6 deadric weapons, my 3 different types of armor and my 200 potios, I need them all in combat
  4. Yeah its been happening more and more for me as well. Had my first crash today, where the game completely quit to desktop.. (after about 12 hours of playing) It did alt-tab out of the game a few times, but I guess that was just because of popups from other applications wanting attention. More progress ingame = more crashes. LV 40 now with 500 units of packaging ( my inventory is überfull, cant find any good traders ) I crash like every 3 hours, also I start getting weird graphicglitches on dragons ( they are lightblue, ONLY lightblue )
  5. Just finished Mainstory of Skyrim, its rather disappointing. Also, dont worry about finishing it, dragons will still spawn all over the map =)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. TechnoNegro


      actually, torrenting games and movies is legal.

    3. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      ...While seeding is illegal.

    4. Reiska


      i seed who i want dammit

  6. Get Task to assisinate somenoe. Find the person in a village, look for a good sniping spot. In position , aiming for the head. A wild dragon appears. Dragon uses fireattack, its super effective. Task accomplished, looked like the victim got killed by a dragon. DAM that was bad luck ( killing person in another way wouldve been a bonus for me )
  7. Yeah they are pretty dangerous, try using a really powerfull scroll or something. I lose against them and I'm level 13 Until I showed one my super cool huge fireball splosion scroll. Even I lost, and am LV 22
  8. Gonna read some books ( TES IV books of course ) to be well informed about culture and behaviour of the people in Skyrim
  9. New grahpiccard and RAm update, Skyrim, here I come :P

    1. Reiska


      I DONT GIVE A SHIIT just joking :3

      no seriously

    2. Raptor


      Seems like you will never see the sun shine again after the release.

    3. Tennisballesser


      We had only fog the last 3 days, you wont feel the ifference.

  10. Still pissed, just was on redeemleaderboards before my big statsreset >:

  11. Fuck it, its over, RC and ZS are dead, am quitting this Seriosuly

  12. Extendo handjobs hurt

    1. Dr.Minky


      Shriveled wank claw

  13. It seems Origin can be used as spyware, reading the EULA they added the right to scan my entire system, so much for BF3 .....

    1. Nobana


      Not really, read the new EULA.

  14. Zs makes no fun with wraithTP and OP fasties

    1. Sk@tEfigHteR


      Indeed tennis, indeed.

    2. Griffon


      then rage about it more and then necro and pufu will ignore you even more xD

  15. ITS REALESED http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=126054 I hope I didnt screw it up too much
  16. I would play it, to bad my PC cant run it ( 640 X 400 resolution + 5 FPS = MEH )
  17. Sushi never used the name ZombieKiller. Its obviously a fakeprofile, using Sushis name ( Look at the stats, Sushi isnt that bad)
  18. So its easy to kill a 450 HP Zombie with Steamroller , Fleshsucker and Backbreaker when he appears out of nowhere on impossible spots ?
  19. I wanted to hear youre guys opinion on propjumping. I personaly think its glitching and needs removing, but its a thing people on the server discuss about a lot. Youre personal opinion plox.
  20. Ive been usuing this, but checking trough 191 steam ID´s takes a while, im sick a, so I cant really to much. ( I am sick atm. my heads gonna explode soon ) ALso, multiple members admitted they are a hacker-clan, schock120 should have the chatlogs. From my past admin experience I know, only 1 thing works here. Steamcommunity Massban
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