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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Tennisballesser

  1. Bf3 is fun if it ever runs stable for 5 minutes or you manage to join a server ....

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  2. Did I already tell you half of them is awfull, no ? Oh well ........
  3. Why do people even care if they get the pulse SMG, it´s a peashooter, guess why I stopped playing Engi when I had LV 6
  4. Shut down Minecraft, problem solved
  5. Looks alright, just doesn´t look like it has any cadeble spots.
  6. Can we have a cleanup of the banrequestforum ( deleting all Minecraft treads ) ?

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  7. Me and Pufulet shopping ( Back in the days when he was alright )
  8. covered in menstruation blood.. ?
  9. This is how I look like in the early morning
  10. I claim to have the most SP on record ( Low resolution, it´s 2810 )
  11. Implying that german humor exists. Nein !
  12. You got it 2 times from farming AFKs
  13. Looks like the Bf3 TF2 ZS community turned into a bunch of kids whining about other kids in minecraft.

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    2. Pufulet


      yeah but what does that have to do with minecraft and some of its rather horrid players?

    3. TechnoNegro


      Sometimes something is shitty.

      Fucking deal with it.

  14. Just post your funniest / weirdest / best ZS screenshots in here Also, feel free to discuss about the screenshots here.
  15. I couldn´t care less
  16. "Dr.Minky" just "showed" me how to "draw" with "photoshop" *Wink wink*

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    1. TechnoNegro


      i really hope you did not torrent photoshop.

    2. Dr.Minky


      Actually my parents are graphic designers, I have it all anyway :V But im probably gonna torrent cs4 because cs5 is fucking awful :<

  17. Wasn´t that the sick who got banned for exploiting a while ago ?
  18. Am I the only one here thinking Minecraft is like lego but digital ?

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    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Balmung


      Nope. Minecraft is Basically LEGO Online

    3. Damien


      who doesnt like lego? :P

  19. I don't even play minecraft, I was just in the neighbourhood and thought I'd stop by.
  20. All I think when I hear MC and kids and stuff is
  21. Name : [TG-Co-owner] Xenomorth [sWE] Steamid : STEAM_0:026973706 Why : Exploiting map Proof : http://steamcommunity.com/id/Talizorahh/screenshot/594709036672250386?tab=public Other infos : Day him for a day and not 3 hours, he most likely won´t come back today.
  22. I dunno, I woke up and was Quarian .......
  23. Well, you take ..... ..... an elevator..... ..... and it goes to floors and stuff ...... ..... and you just wait in it.
  24. No offense Quert, but you should definitly shut up about talking shit. Since I´ve seen you on the half of the things you said were BS ( Including sexist offenses ). And @ Topic : Billy Mays is a name used a lot, checking that guys namehistory he had the name from middle 2011 ( = He definitly didn´t use the name to act like he is the other Billy Mays.
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