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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Tennisballesser

  1. Has ANYONE of you played RC recently :?

  2. Why you unlock turret so early? Its gunna be turret spam, or only one person will be able to place turrets cuz the maps are soo shitty and either too small for 2 turrets (like pub) or a map with only 1 decent cading spot As Pufulet noted, its not an actual tree of unlocks (this one is for testing purposes only) And i was saying dont listen to pufu's idea of puttuing it at level... cuz its stupid... Tell me the last time Pufulet came up with a good idea Turret should be high-LV or veteran restricted.
  3. Reading trough the logs he admits farming too
  4. He´s been calling people dumb jews the entire round, didn´t get screen though.
  5. Name : [DC] Xenonmorth SteamId : STEAM_0:0:26973706 Reason : Racism Proof : http://steamcommunity.com/id/tennisballesser/screenshot/594707594820852164?tab=public
  6. Its not hard to just hide that section, stop acting like a dick and deal with it. Your one of the people who feels the need to cure their e-penis of relief by posting in ban topics flaming. Why not just take a chill pill for once? I never respond in any of those topics, I am simply annoyed by them popping up every 2 seconds
  7. Protip : Don´t pirate stuff, buy it
  8. Whenever I open the forums and check the recent topics, I only see some kids getting mad about minecraft. Can we have Ban/Unbans not showing up in the recent topics
  9. The Lazy Peon is acting a bit orcward at the moment.

  10. Wtaching trough Pufulets selfclaimed "Provideos" I can find like 10 moments in every video where he abadons teammates/ doesn´t shoot zombies in order to become last human. Pufulet, you don´t win by being lasthuman....

  11. U no like my new avatar >:V

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pufulet


      cause you are a dirty little man thats why mog

    3. mogadonskoda


      no i was just being nice....

    4. Sacrevy


      U no like my new penis.

  12. I want Infected Wars back ...................

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. terminator


      Have unprotected sex with some 5$ crack whores , shud do le trick

    3. Dr.Minky


      WHO ELSE BUT TERMINATOR? *60s jingle*

  13. Don´t underestimate the power of skill ............. You have never seen a really procade right ? We survived with 5 people against 30 zombies on Ugly Fort Snow, and it was 1 of the most intense game I´ve ever had. You can go into a cade with 30 people and enjoy gunning down 6 zombies ( Which in unenjoyble atm, cous of killsteal ) Note to myself : ZS matches under 75 % Infliction are boring.
  14. RC starts got reseted, oh well, nobody played anyways.

  15. Viel Glück, ich habe die Deustche Grammatik bis heute noch nicht verstanden
  16. Remove howlers/their bulletshield. We had a horde of 15 zombs today, half were howlers, it was impossible to kill any because they shieled each other ( Not to mention the annoyingness of the scream if you have 5.1 sourround )
  17. I can´t place mines at the ceiling for shitty little ambushes anymore
  18. The attack and heal tactic is used by every zombie capable of thinking. Startzombies break nails twice as fast, and if you retreat before dieng as zombie the human team won´t get any points = bigger guns. ( Thats why I support the idea of DMG based SP so much ) A human team without big weapons will really get problems against Alphazombies or bigger hordes. I honestly think Alpha HP should only work on Normal zombies, a poisonzombie with 900 HP is just dumb
  19. I want to be able to unnail "lower-leveled" guys stuff ( They get their nails back though ) to fix /prevent shitcades. ZS could be sooo much easier if they listen to the pros once ( People who abuse this feature would loose if for life though )
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