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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Reiska

  1. that's nice...now gimme back my money
  2. couple would be howler spam (howler range + so much shaking on your screen) and fact that people get annoying ass shotguns at the start of the round and also the crate gives you shitty ass auto sniper that is worse than smg at 1700sp when im againts over 20 zombies on my own, and its the third time today
  3. yes judge a whole region because couple of lunatics decided to kill teens the situation has been tense for long time in the region and as long as brainwashing from both sides remain they are going to kill each other until the end of times
  4. You too robbert for a while, I think I was one of the only ones who remained
  5. my guess would be,,,alot of ppl
  6. who says you have to eat before playing game? wtf?
  7. darkness you shouldn't play whit food
  8. try to focus on things that matter at the moment I don't see howler or spawning that much of a problem one thing thought: improve poison zombie health it should be as it was, a *tank* zombie whit nice amount of health nowadays 2 guys whit usps can easily kill it and that if what is shameful also: improve grenade dmg since zombie health got increased so grenades have become pretty useless
  9. everything else sounds good but restrictions don't cause nobody likes those I feel you should have freedom to choose what guns you have but of course you might get a little bonus for certain class to use certain weapon, also I don't see howler that much of a problem even if they are annoying, they are part of the game
  10. everything else you suggested is shit besides nerfing fast zombies and bringing back old zombies
  11. maybe you could have wrote this to already existing topic, also there seems to be pretty much shit in needing to fix before these kinda things would be put in game but hey who knows
  12. If you work on a same company for lets say 7 years doesn't mean your gonna be the company's leader or boss by the end of your career, you have to be recognized by other workers as well as show how skilled you are and have good speech skills + charisma. get what I mean?
  13. I believe what doesn't kill you simply makes you...stranger

  14. my tits and chest are too massive and muscular for any mere mortal to handle
  15. A nice after shower cigar
  16. but I wasn't old, and you could hardly call that a beard
  17. well the new players don't say much...or think so much or are that much, hahah
  18. unless daylight would be a name of anime series
  19. Wasn't Reiska that guy I've seen playing today? "Said" =\= "Did" go back to your cave quert and watch your hentai
  20. no wonder many regulars might be mad since many of them have been donating to the server they liked to play and some of them still would if they enjoyed to play there much of the money comes from the regular players anyways, now try to think this shit from that point of view too but for now, everybody shut the fack up, your beginning to sound like bunch of little kids go outside drink a beer enjoy life for now and when and if zs ever gets repaired come back and play dat shit and have fun
  21. well shit...I don't even know what to say
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