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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by SDK

  1. I'll take note off you're suggestions for the shop. About the colors, as you can see in your chart only the ones until 126 are documented. After these, a lot of them don't work but some numbers give fresh colors. Btw, in 1.1 RGB colors will be possible, so no need for charts then ^^
  2. doesnt need gm atm Fixed the map a bit It's not a map bug, it's MTA itself :/
  3. SDK


    I think BinSlayer uploaded them
  4. Fixed one uploaded
  5. I was thinking you would want a keybind or something :X
  6. SDK

    My map

  7. SDK

    weet's maps

    updated, don't forget you zipped the wrong files/folders. There should only be a meta.xml and a .map file, no folders
  8. How do you mean, what should trigger the speedboost then? Third Cookie map \o/
  9. updated, thx (it's still the map- and race- version)
  10. uploaded, now post your new maps in this topic
  11. Upped
  12. uploaded
  13. New setting/option for maps: "ghostmode_checkpoint". Changes the default 5 ghostmode checkpoints to the new value. Example: new Race to Hell III meta.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <meta> <info type="map" gamemodes="race" name="8-Ball - Race to Hell III Beta" author="8-Ball" /> <map src="8-Ball - Race to Hell III Beta.map" /> <settings> <setting name="#time" value="22:0" /> <setting name="#weather" value="4" /> <setting name="#respawn" value="timelimit" /> <setting name="#duration" value="1200" /> <setting name="#ghostmode_checkpoint" value="7" /> </settings> </meta> This should help fixing some maps without editing them. (I'm sorry for taking away the fun from this map Emanuel)
  14. Uploaded
  15. Uploaded
  16. Uploaded
  17. SDK


  18. SDK

    Serial Banned!

    Solved, he's unbanned now
  19. SDK

    Serial Banned!

    As said on IRC, we'll need your (new) serial to know more about the ban
  20. 2nd uploaded
  21. SDK


    nice, uploaded
  22. Too short / laggy / random
  23. Stuntplane is updated The rc map isn't uploaded, 6-7 minutes is way to long with RC cars :/
  24. There's a little bug (feature?) that you might want to fix, the gray jumps can be used to skip a part of the circuit. Uploaded anyway, thx
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