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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by SDK

  1. Well you sure don't give up, 4 posts - 4 admin apps Good luck
  2. On yoshi's request, I made the script you know from his turtle + dolphin maps more flexible Change the replacements on the first lines, currently it replaces a few fast cars with some animals, lemme know if it's bugged. (serverside) local replacements = { [451] = 1607, -- Turismo -> Turtle [541] = 1608, -- Bullet -> Shark [411] = 1609 -- Infernus -> Dolphin -- [vehicle_id] = [object_id] } local obj = {} addEventHandler ( "onPlayerVehicleEnter" , getRootElement(), function(veh) if obj[source] then return end if tonumber(replacements[getElementModel(veh)]) then setElementData( source, "overrideAlpha.alpha", 0, false ) local vx, vy, vz = getElementPosition ( veh ) local rx, ry, rz = getVehicleRotation ( veh ) obj[source] = createObject (tonumber(replacements[getElementModel(veh)]), vx, vy, vz, rx, ry, rz) attachElements ( obj[source], veh, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) end end) addEventHandler ( "onResourceStop", getResourceRootElement(), function() for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType('player')) do setElementData( v, "overrideAlpha.alpha", nil, false ) end end)
  3. When posting in the Full Editor (quick editor doesn't have it) there's a nice big gray button under the textbox saying 'Click to attach files'
  4. Nice flying map, I like the moving objects
  5. You can remove car mods with /gcremmod Kart <upgrade_id and setting the paintjob to 3 removes it /gcaddpaintjob Sultan 3 I'm working on a more friendly gui so that things will get more clearer. The skin bug is caused by mta itself, I already tried fixing it but nothing helped so far.. It doesn't seem like MTA developers are going to fix it, so I'll have to come up with another solution
  6. Uploaded (Don't forget the race- file naming )
  7. Uploaded, nice short map Btw, could you next time use a .zip instead of a .rar and remove the extra folder? MTA only accepts zips with a meta and map file, thx
  8. They're up and running again!
  9. Uploaded, but the wheels dissapear. You should use upgrade=0, like Csena explains here: http://forums.left4g...vehicle-in-mta/ (step 4) Edit: I already fixed it for you, so don't mind about this map Edit2: To be sure, the vehicle should have no wheels right?
  10. SDK


    Thanks, I was thinking to place it somewhere else by default anyway. I scripted it yesterday, so it's not finished yet.
  11. Pachanga, you should keep your map files in the 'race-map' format, and remove spaces. (Blame MTA) Pachanga_ Paralytic Race.zip -> race-Pachanga_Paralytic_Race.zip The map name can still be "Pachanga_ Paralytic Race", it's only the file names
  12. Everyone in the server get's a http error downloading files with the previous map (including music.lua)
  13. Uploaded the crazy map
  14. Good player, would be a nice addition to the admin team. Good luck!
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