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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by awesomeo_5000

  1. Unfortunately the client developers have really stepped up their game with anti-cheat plug in work arounds, and that level of effort hasn't been met by the plug in developers yet. I agree with some of the points in the thread, but not all. There definitely needs to be something done but I think going back to pre enchantment days is the wrong way to go. All we realistically need is the recent changes reversing. No safezones except spawn, a smaller world size, no teleporters, just more frequent map changes. At least until we get our player base back. I think it would be good to get into a scheduled map change. For example, on the first day of every other month. That way it's transparent and everyone know's what's what. We haven't trialled the nerfed enchanting system yet. I think that's one thing we're all forgetting. You can get up to level thirty in about 5-10 minutes now and that means everyone will have access to the higher enchantments. Personally, I don't agree with the higher buffed enchants (like I never mention it) as it draws out combat and makes it less dynamic and challenging. And I get the feeling that with this new system everyone will be running around with protection IV and sharpness fireaspect IXM (9000?). That's either going to return the balance or kill pvp even more, if it's the latter we can do something about it. Potions are part of the game. They're going to be part of the game from here on out, and after we are all long bored of Minecraft the new players will be wondering where the heck the potions they know and love have gone to. The only real problem that rises here are people stacking them, and that's something every server suffers from. I wonder if there's anyway to restrict the amount of potions you can use/throw within a timeframe, for example you can only throw one every three seconds. I'll have a root around bukkit but if not perhaps it's something Clavus can custom code. The villagers are a bitch but the solution's already been proposed and I don't see why it's not active already - sell villager spawn eggs on the green coin shop. It's an obvious route in my book. So yeah in summary, we don't need to remove anything from the game just yet. We just need to move back to basics, improve the greencoin store and hopefully implement some of the community suggestions, and then wait for the feedback.
  2. Why change the mode then ? It's because of the current set up everyone is running around with prot I sharp II. I think Notch on his own made it easier to get higher levels by reducing the max level cap. Removing sharp 3/4 and prot 3/4 is just silly and wouldn't change anything unless the effort of going outside and having multiple players to enchant. Notice the words if and still. Before the levelling update certain factions had all the good swords meaning there was literally nothing other players could do but get butt raped. Before that one sentence you quoted there's a whole host of suggestions and then the follow up contingency in case it's still not working. I'd always thought we were giving the new enchant system a go before making any changes, which I think is vital.
  3. First off, to say all the admins are ignoring it is unfair, we obviously want to be behind the server as much as possible when it tries out new things. It's a bit different because I haven't experienced things from a PvP point of view, but I personally don't like the changes. It adds something new to the game and I think it'd be good for between-map events to stir things up a bit, but it detracts from what the server was about pre 1.2.5. Before, it felt like vanilla minecraft with factions. The addition of enchanting and all that jazz unbalanced that simplistic play style, but our server was still maxed out. I think the main problem with this sort of set up is that it requires explanation. You need a set of rules or guidance to know wtf is going on and I hate that in a server (same thing with whitelists or building rights etc). When I was in full MC geekery mode I'd get rage at the server, try to find other ones of a similar set up and there just wasn't any. We filled a nice niche and it worked well. I think after this map it would be worth heading back to basics, just leaving it unmolested. We also need to work on keeping the minecraft forum topic bumped and perhaps some sort of votifier system. If it turns out enchanting is still killing the game then I'd personally want to remove protection/sharpness 3+4. Of course that's just my opinion, some people might like the current set up. And with it being summer, perhaps - god forbid - some people are just playing in the sun instead of on minecraft.
  4. Perhaps a disclaimer will do? It'd suck to remove the feature because it's genuinely useful, so just outlining that if people use it for anything other than peacefully building then their peaceful status will be revoked.
  5. You know it. Since we had that creative contest followed by the temporary game mode I think most people thought the server wasn't going to be faction wars anymore and left. That and the x-ray plug in puts a lot of people off/bans them. What we need is a way to link votifier to our greencoin plug in, to me that's the only viable way of actually getting publicity.
  6. Before, you used to have to make huge mob grinders to get tnt and then use it wisely when raiding. Not sure if the updates have changed the efficiency of this, but if not get to work!
  7. Come to Nottingham, and study my peen.
  8. Done, in future just send me a PM or something, I'll get round to it much quicker that way.
  9. If you use a different account that isn't banned on the server then it holds no connection to your other bans. But if you reoffend you'll be banned on the new account.
  10. Nah, your computer enlarges the desktop and displays it over multiple screens, like so:
  11. x-ray bans are permanent, you'll need a new account if you want to play on the server.
  12. Sarcasm on the internet is a grey area at best, whilst some of the topics don't interest me as long as they're about minecraft (and hopefully our server) I'm all for it. The less people reply with flame the less it's bumped and the topic dies out - natural selection works on forums too.
  13. 4/10 It accomplishes it's purpose perfectly well, but I don't think I'd recreationally listen to it Bit different from your average song, apparently it's poetry with music in the background, but whatever
  14. Part of our plugin encompasses use of x-ray, rather than just having it and unfortunately all bans executed by it are final. If you want to continue to play on our server, you'll need a new account.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmU6u_R2g_w Or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QyQ9PsOj6A
  16. He has high levelled protection armour, you can see when the weaponless guy attacks him he doesn't take damage. And weapon switches from 1-2 are pretty swift with a mouse wheel
  17. I occasionally get it where I can't move, but right clicking sorts it out. Are you playing with an unmodified client?
  18. A lot of the screenshots are really dark.
  19. Build two blocks, stand on top and set your f home. you can then knock them out and your f home wil be two blocks in the air, hopefully meaning you won't lag into the void.
  20. Not loading for me but if its the one using pistons and diamond blocks being pushed up, it's a graphical dupe only. The blocks, when mined, disappear. It's more annoying that you can't make functioning sand trap doors
  21. You posted incorrectly, and x-ray bans are indisputable and permanent. If you wanna keep playing I'm afraid you'll need to do so on another account.
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