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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BlueYoshi97

  1. Sneed is breaking the rules, he doesn't post music, unless that is what he calls it. I vote for Dusty.
  2. Oh no, not that again... By the way, what's the point with all those fonts if we aren't allowed to use them? It gives a certain character to your post. U_U
  3. First of all don't skip your english lessons Second: Patients my friend You'll probably claim that you were being sarcastic, but it's patience.
  4. I don't have a desktop, nor a taskbar. If I did, my wallpaper would be Esther Baxter.
  5. BlueYoshi97

    Pick one

    I like the first four, and the last four. EDIT: Ok ok, If I have to: 3 & 7.
  6. It's not me crashing, it's not the server crashing, but it's everyone in the server crashing. It was scary yesterday, when I left the PL server it was full. I came back to play around 20 minutes later, and the server was totally empty. I was convinced that everyone must have been eaten by zombies. Then the server slowly build up again, but just the moment that creepy horn from the Soldier sounded, we all crashed again.
  7. BlueYoshi97

    Pick one

    Do not say that name, otherwise many spleens will implode. For reasons I do not want to explain (Totally not because I dont have a reason ) WHO WHO WHO WHO
  8. Just wanted to know if this is a 'normal' bug, or that it's my PC. So if you guys get to play TF2 again, please try this. 1: Be a Demoman 2: Shoot a stickey 3: Press and hold RMB. I think other players in your team can't hear it, that's why it may be my PC. If it works, don't hold it for TOO long because it hurts your ears.
  9. BlueYoshi97

    Pick one

    Wow, I'm the first one to say the usual comment "Gotta catch 'em all!" (but 8 looks the hottest)
  10. Them pop da cops.
  11. Ekans (indeed, Snake spelled backwards)
  12. ^This ^This The whole game is fucked because all the stuff Valve added. Why do people always have to whine when new stuff comes out? Have you even been playing the game, and have you even tried crafting yourself? Why is the whole game fucked? Because you can now actually DO something with all those random things you find? What do you want Valve to do then? Just wipe away all unlocks? Of course, that would make the game extremely boring, but at least other people don't have things YOU don't have... The Direct Hit may be a little bit overpowered though, IMO.
  13. He just can't believe that you believe, I believe.
  14. I don't even believe my school books.
  15. Snakes... apples... nude girl... I thought the year 0 was so different then 2k9.
  16. Makes me think of when I was younger, I got Pokémon Trading Card Game for GBC. There was a lot of coin-tossing involved. On some occassions, when winning or losing depended on 1 coin, I prayed to God. You won't believe it, but it worked every single time. Now I don't dare do it anymore, because I'm afraid it might fail now, and then the magic disappears.
  17. I don't believe in God, but I do have this paranoid-problem, and I am unable to say bad things out loud, because I'm scared it may actually happen then. I even physically shake my head like a "no" when I think of bad things. Which sucks, believe me.
  18. Soon, Soldier will become Rogue Warrior, Medic will become White Mage, Engineer will be Red Mage, and Spy will be Thief. You can earn XP, and raise levels and can do quests like "Bring me 5 Bonk! Energy Drinks, by killing Scouts wearing it and picking them up."
  19. Wait what. Ywa's not telling me stuff How come no one uses smugdog on Left4Green, unlike Mr. Green where they are all over the place? Not that I want it to be used here of course.
  20. Bingo. But she has only been here for a day.
  21. VforV, if the gender-thing should be all equal, why is it so bad that what's-his-name acts like he's a girl? Let's close this topic and never speak of it again.
  22. Cool girls play the same games as boys, other girls play The Sims and don't know what a forum is.
  23. You'd definitely be a great admin. Not that I, you know, ever played CSS before, so I'm just saying things.
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