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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BlueYoshi97

  1. gain them with donates! its realy slow wwhen you want to gain them in-game playing an hour and got your score at 50 there will be 20 gc (maybe a little more) That's because you have to really earn them by playing your ass off (or donating).
  2. DO IT! Y-y-y-yes mmmmmmmmmmmmister Ywa! tee hee hee
  3. The Scout thing is pretty hard, but I'd like to see how it looks like when you jump on someone (I mean, how it looks on their screen). Also, I just now discovered how many barrels there are and that you can actually destroy them in the game.
  4. I'm not gonna read all that 12 o'clock.
  5. BlueYoshi97

    Pick one

    It's a crime against nature!
  6. BlueYoshi97

    Pick one

    Deleat My Cookies
  7. I'd still like a custom-map weekend. You can send in maps and then every friday/saturday evening from 8 to 11 PM (just a suggestion), there will be only custom maps. And the rest of the week just remains the same as now. I think this is better than just throwing a map in the server. A solution to that can be that players can vote on maps (see my first idea), and if (almost) everyone votes 'Good', then you can put that custom map in the server. It's just a fact that if a custom map appears out of nowhere, 99% will ragequit and hate the map before even playing it. EDIT: This is my 100th post! (and the 100th time I came with that idea^)
  8. It helps if you take an avatar and a signature. Then go to the Quickies forum, spam some pointless posts, bump some dumb topics, and call it a day. Also, change your name to J-Star. That should help.
  9. BlueYoshi97

    1 to a 1000

  10. BlueYoshi97

    1 to a 1000

  11. 10/10 Here is the ONLY Metal song I like (yes, it's the whole song):
  12. And then post a new one. Also, please really listen before posting, otherwise it's just.... not fun.
  13. This topic wasn't here yet, so.. rate from 1 to 10, then post another song. And here is my most favorite song ever which none of you is going to like anyway: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrMrqBcv6Mk
  14. I just want Pipeline.
  15. Aight, Don Rosa is the best of em all, IMO.
  16. Who?
  17. Santa doesn't come in Holland. We have Sinterklaas.
  18. Gotta catch 'em all! Really, Mr. Green, this is the awesomest thing ever.
  19. Lol!!
  20. [anotherpopularanswerthatpeoplegiveiftheydon'tknow]Try reïnstalling it again 10 times.[/anotherpopularanswerthatpeoplegiveiftheydon'tknow]
  21. White Christmas? Y'all racist. I wish you a blue/yellow crossover christmas, a bit dark-blue that is, and shiny yellow.
  22. This is fucking cool, hope the Scout thing will work.
  23. This should answer why: Source: http://steamcommunit...235944783930578 I thought it was made for that purpose. Y'know, when you're about to lose the round, you just sound that horn, everybody's game will crash, then you try to get back in the server as fast as you can, so you can finish capping the cart, as you are the only player left.
  24. BlueYoshi97

    Pick one

    I'd take 8...of 'em.
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