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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BlueYoshi97

  1. It's just not secure enough (I think). If TF2 wasn't so well protected, it would be full of cheaters too.
  2. Awww, we wuv you tooooooooo! Happy New Year, all my Green lovings! Don't make me regret saying that later on. ^
  3. We could also use the electric chair. It's more precise than banning.
  4. Xfire: mario13nintendo (I know that sounds completely whack, my friend made that account for me and decided that would be a good name). Steam: BlueYoshi97
  5. Wow... I deleted all my stats a while ago, because they were all fucked up. Only because I visited an achievement server with the Heavy once and I got so many points that um... yeah. Now I have the most points with Engineer, and I got all of them because of my teleport, nothing more. :/
  6. You did all that as a Sniper?
  7. I want to be less paranoid.
  8. This is a map I started on months ago (and I have only been working on it for an hour or something). It's a really really creepy hallway, basically, with a hole in the wall somewhere. But I forgot to make the "walls" that indicate the boundaries of the level, meaning everything goes fucked up out there. I made more fun maps earlier, which were really simple, but fun.
  9. You want more proof of my superior skills? This is from the PL server: The unwritten rule is: If I'm on top of the scoreboard as a Spy, then the team sucks ass. (those aren't my best scores ever of course, but I don't wanna skip through all my Xfire screens) Usually though, it looks more like this:
  10. Hacking is bad, mmkay. You shouldn't cheat, mmkay? You see children, don't be bad mmkay, by hacking mmkay. If you do hack, that's bad, mmmkay.
  11. Oh. Well I thought it was because of that, cause before the TF2 store was launched, this didn't happen. No, I think it's since the Soldier/Demoman update.
  12. Hi, I would ask the admins of the Team Fortress 2 - PayLoad Server if it's possible to make a whiner restriction. When a team loses there are always so many people bitching about how "the team sucks" that it makes it really frustrating to keep playing with them. Sometimes they do not even go further than "teams?". Right before the end of a round, they switch to the winning team. They complain things like "teams need to be balanced", but when they get autobalanced, they "join the Spectators" and then join the winning team again, making the autobalance totally useless. So, I'm asking all the admins from the PL-server, when they see someone that spends his time whining rather than playing, kick him. By doing that you are even helping themselves, because if they hate the game so much, you made them stop playing it. Kind regards BlueYoshi97
  13. Can we stop the forum grave diggery please. Quoting this because you are right.
  14. This makes me think of: and also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOTlCOLpx7M Ywa's's's's's the funniestststst, I guess.
  15. I think it's perfect!
  16. I prefer RollerCoaster Tycoon. I have all 3 of them. I also have Zoo Tycoon (+ a French add-on), but that isn't nearly as good.
  17. Um welcome back.
  18. Ganondorf?
  19. A Korean Game-Nerd!
  20. Is it P. Diddy?
  21. Right-o. Now, it's your turn.
  22. Incorrect. I forgot to say that it's the person/creature/living thing you must guess.
  23. So, I get a picture, paint all over it so it's not fully recognizable anymore (but not impossible to guess either). And y'all guess who it is. I give hints too like "He's from this game, his name starts with this letter", etc. When someone guesses right, I say "You are right! !", and then he/she makes a new one. We start with an easy one:
  24. 10/10, too funny.
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