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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BlueYoshi97

  1. Maybe he was lost and thought he was in a Nigerian server.
  2. If it only was that easy.
  3. ...and don't visit Idle Servers.
  4. Let's have a battle in Arena to duke it out! RED: BlueYoshi97 Holy Clavus The Lazy Peon Sneed Squirrel-Dude BLU: VforV Botervloot Axon Donlan NPhect ERROR 401 Lukkie Balmung (then Axon gets autobalanced and joins RED) If RED wins, random crits will stay, if BLU wins, random crits will be deleted.
  5. It's no random crits. No crits means no criticals, so no first blood crits, no kritzkrieg crits, nothing. No random crits remove only crits that happen at a random giving time. But not the crits like said above. Still don't see what's so bad about it. I seldom play Arena though.
  6. You can always use the Mr. Green Wiki. There is nobody outside Mr. Green who reads that anyway. Well... there's also nobody inside Mr. Green who reads it.
  7. What's the difference between no crits and no random crits?
  8. Why not? It's even more boring without crits. And if crits are the only reason you keep getting killed you need to play better.
  9. 6, it gets annoying fast.
  10. Continue posting topics for every video you find! @ Notte: 1 topic won't work, if everyone posts their video in 1 topic, nobody will watch them.
  11. We used to all criticize the combination Longer Charge and Faster Loaded Charge that donators got back in the day. I think that the Übercharge itself should just last longer, but building it up should take as long as normal. Because: + It will be more fun to play Medic + You still need skills like normal + No more Medics that decide to go to the toilet because when they come back, "their charge is full anyway" + (Important) Medics using this will go more for HEALING and not only ÜBERING.
  12. Yeah everyone blame the admins. It's all THEIR fault now Now I wish those trolls could be more forgiving... Many have moments that they don't know when to stop. When someone tells you to stop because you get banned otherwise, you know that you should stop. When someone just says "omgstfu troll", that's like asking to continue. I mean, of course, this was probably still a valid reason to get banned for, but I'm just saying helping people change behaviour is better than just banning them.
  13. Future admins should warn him instead of dissing him, because that only makes it worse, IMO.
  14. I'm going offtopic but I didn't know that bad behaviour/spamming is a reason to get banned too, because then I think admins should come to PayLoad more often.
  15. Hey, I remember you. In Arena you dominated me after 3 rounds. :/ That was pretty much the only time I've been in Arena, but you acted normal then and I've seen other morons in that server that deserved a ban more. I hope you get unbanned.
  16. Scout looks disturbing. I'm a sucker when it comes to mods. You did inspire me to find a mod for TF2 though. Because the Soldier in black looks pretty cool.
  17. Personally I see no problem with the Fast Ubercharge rate,then again I play in arena wher ubercharing only happens once, twice at the most in a single game. Fast uber works well there because of it. I'm not sure how it goes in CP/CTF but It's not like you can carry the intel or cap points whilst uber, so there seens to be no problem there. its the pl server where its the biggest problem yes but i have been played it today and there whas no problem only the red team has 1 medic ''ME'' and blu has 2 medics SO that isnt a big problem i think you just need to think like ho wyou can deafeat that like a pyro around the sentry's for SPYCHECK and BLAST THE (...) UBERS AWAY i always yelling that with MIC but they dont listen to me and just keep running away like that stuff me as engineer.. isnt a problem i just build a sentry and dispencer ETC. and sometimes SOMETIMES there is coming a medic pyro UBER but the thing is i have friends playing in my team and they will help me like shooting some sticky's around my buildings and shoot them in the air. an other thing is a pyro blasting the medic away or the most of time the medics will die in the battlefield and ubering to push the cart! well that whas my story about it. oo and just set a medic limit it's good to have that BECAUSE ::: NO MEDIC STACK ANYMORE AND NO DELETING THE ITEM everyone is happy then cYA blablablabla........ o and there will be always a admin in the server (or i invite one) like today SNEED whas in. and i have playing with BOTERVLOOT you always can ask the admin for stopping the MEDIC stack or just ask to kick them 1. you cant kick somebody because they are medic stacking 2. you saw a server of 10 people today and the guys didnt where in the server. its always in the evening. and if you dont imagine that you mayby played with them;-/, 3. limit is no option in mr.green servers 4. you dont blast a heavy away if he is a mile away from you he alreday killed you. 5. they can uber demos blowing away has no chance with noob spycheckers. 6. you need to play more in the evening and dont join there team then you will see what the problem is over and out neighbor yes yes yes neighbor i agree oke anyway ofcourse i will play more in the evening now and we will see second thing is yes the fast uber is a bid boring now i will see in the evening if you are right and then we will see further. STAY TUNED!! oo and this topic is about talking the items and now this topic is more like complaining about the items AND only about the fast uber so the easiest thing is make a new topic about why the complainings and why you made the topic (the problem) more people will see in it and can see the problem then we can talk about other things in this topic (maybe i will make the new one) sounds like a good idea to attract people if it's not just say NOOO!!!!!! BAD BAD~~! SEE......YOU.....LATER You might have to repair your Enter Key.
  18. Scout looks disturbing.
  19. Kinda funny how there's two problems people have in the server, about many engineers and about the supercharge. The one problem is the solution to the other problem.
  20. No dude, that in reverse.
  21. Disturbed and Invade only heal/uber each other anyway. They even say things like "Oh well, I'm charged in a minute anyway". And they're right. I am the good! I use my powers to help my teammates, and use the faster charge to activate the charge later, and not immediately. Vote for me! As a president, I can give y'all a lot of CAKE.
  22. What in the hell? I don't understand this topic at all.
  23. By the way, your English is just fine.
  24. That poll is actually not a bad idea, when non-admins get a say in this that is. (creating another conversation)
  25. That poll is actually not a bad idea, when non-admins get a say in this that is.
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