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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by TheGreenGrasshopper

  1. That's what I was pointing out Darkness. A litteral quote from the stickied thread from Clavus. Full post for lazy people:
  2. won't work they probably try to connect every hour and keep asking when it's gonna be back every 10 minutes xd They actually do that. Last time minecraft was offline for a week, clavus turned it back on to test and within 30 seconds people joined. It's scary. It's true, people try to connect every second. Never seen such desperation.
  3. lol @corby his post. Solution to that problem is use ignore =D But yeah as said before and I think it's somewhere in the guidelines on the forum as well: Be active (or atleast passive) on the forum and the IRC channel so that the other Mr Green members get to know you better. The more liked you become in this community the more your chance increases. (This also applies in-game. Talk to the entire server not just your faction.) On the subject of age, you can't do anything about it and yes it might be an issue but that's for the TC to decide and not us. The only thing I would like to add is that maybe you should expand your application a bit, check other applications that have been approved. Because I don't know what the others think about it but it seems a little short to me. I mean 1.5 sentence and I actually have no idea who you are. All by all, good luck
  4. You're English isn't that great is it? And I don't think I've ever seen you here or on IRC before.
  5. Merry Christmasand a happy hannuka you guys!
  6. fine by me too, and it doesn't really change that much to the server. But who decides who is experienced and who is not. Or from what people are we picking.
  7. I'm a member for over half a year, i'm trustworthy , but i'm not that liked in this forum, although not everyone hates me:v kHHM... no. Half-year is not that much. It's gonna be 4-th (<- oops, pressed the nearest button :')) year here for me soon. Wait, it is 4-th year already! It might not be much but half a year should be enough-ish seeing how staying active online is hard for a lot of people.
  8. Well we could have a list of quotas where atleast 2 or so should be fulfilled. Member for over half a year Being "liked" in the community Trustworthy and capable of listening to people in command. ... Ofcourse greens/admins/tc can join anytime they feel like.
  9. You're an old school mr green member so yeah. But we need everyone's co-operation and I don't know if the others think that it's interesting.
  10. So TC y we no get scramble? /shameless double post
  11. Mr.green should join together and make a huge citadel, that way the other players could be seen as "mobs" so to speak. We could have guards again and such. That way raiding is still possible for the members that want to and in the mean time the others can enjoy their settlement life.
  12. I remember when everyone tried working together on projects, exploring big ass caves and not show who had the biggest e-p33n, and then faction wars came along.
  13. Did not expect such intelligence and knowledge here. I salute thee Baron.
  14. What am I looking at exactly?
  15. Seems you're right. We do have the option of manually changing the players teams though, so we can balance the teams manually. Just be aware that (at least in CSS) changing the players in the middle of a game won't change their skin. For as far as I know in TF2 you can't even manually change a player's team, or atleast not on the mr.green servers. And yeah I know only global and TC can utilise it but I find it strange that it's possible to enable it in CSS but not in TF2. Isn't it both sourcemod?
  16. So I was wondering, why do admins not have access to a scramble option, or players to a vote_scramble. I know I've asked this already a couple of times in IRC but it really annoys me. At times it gets so annoying that I find it interesting that the entire team doesn't just quit at once. Scores going from 0 - 10 are just something that seem unfair in a way. And yes I know "get your team together" "tell them what to do" etc. But do I have to remind you that these are pub games and not some competitive tournament. I'd just like to know why this feature has been disabled.
  17. I add like a thousand hours to our team =D
  19. Should be no problem at all =D
  20. I see each team has an admin, let the abusing begin!
  21. Private Green is enlisting, Sir!
  22. lol it fits perfectly with those mudcrabs and I didn't kill my first chicken either, haven't killed any chickens actually. Legend of Zelda thought me to never attack anything that looks like a chicken
  23. 1)no one wants to have a war 2)no one can afford a grand scale war financially 3)it'll balance out eventually, and if it doesn't VIVA LA REVOLUTION! btw on that whole europe vs russia/asia war idea: European Union (EU) VS Pan Asian Coalition (PAC) for epic Battlefield simulation!
  24. Yeah. It's Lars Battle-Born. He gives a misc quest, asking you to stop Braith (or whatever her name is) to stop annoying him. What about the orphans in Rifter and the runaway one? No one cares about them so no one would miss them, so you can stab them with your daggers as much as you want.
  25. Yeah I actually forgot what the main quest is... So I'm just doing everything that is in my quest list atm.
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