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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by TheGreenGrasshopper

  1. Welcome to war Justcallmepro, it's a nasty world out there.
  2. 7 nuff' said
  4. and what exactly are you attacking?
  5. I must admit, the extension to the basic cannon gives it quite an extra punch. I'm wondering though if you could make it so you don't need to press 2 buttons.
  6. I have no idea, but that sounds pretty lame then tbh. I want to be able to destroy the factions in my backyard.
  7. QUESTION: why do the creepers I lead into enemy faction buildings, not explode? As in don't cause an explosion.
  8. yup everyday atleast twice someone asks for a restart. And yeah for some reason I blame replay too like silver, the replay feature once stopped working and the lag stopped for msot people. It was very peculiar.
  9. These were my very first games at age 3 Duke Nukem 3D Red Cat Comfy Tetris And these are the games I played later on Doom Crash Bandicoot 1/ crash team racing Spyro the Dragon Raptor Call of the Shadows Stargunner D.O.G. fight for your life <-- I found this such a hard game when I was a kid Duke Nukem 2 Rayman 1/2 Pokémon Yellow, silver,crystal Dungeon Siege This is far from every game I played when I was a young kid.
  10. Let's play some Mineopoly while we wait you guys =p It keeps amazing me what some people can come up with in Minecraft
  11. it needs a creepy breathing sound or something when you look at it.
  12. I'd join if I knew even the slightest bit about the layout of middle earth, which I don't
  13. He said that he could use WoW as an excuse for being isolated because he was assumed to be raiding, grinding, etc. That way people left him alone apparently
  14. Well or you have a extremely nice phone, or your pc sucks balls EDIT: but maybe we should go back to the topic at hand
  15. well Saints Row 2 was terrible gameplay wise imo.
  17. over a 1000man hours for moria...... my concentration is gone after 5 hours =s
  18. True, I suppose you'd make a void where air should be.
  19. Now it's set to default 128 height. Notch is looking into making it possible to increase that.
  20. SO FAR: experience bar, food bar, height limit, cooked chicken
  21. I think Yoshi just lost it
  22. I find it strange that this is used like a shoutbox, thank god facebook isn't spammed like this

  23. Don't forget the hunger bar too, and I'm guessing that is your experience bar like other rpg's
  24. What are these recent status updates I see. Not copying facebook I hope

    1. VMR


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