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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by TheGreenGrasshopper

  1. I'm sorry but I don't notice a whole lot of difference between how Bad Company 2 looks and Battlefield 3 and don't come with your bullshit about how battlefield 2 is different from battlefield 3. There is a 6 year gap between those 2 they'd be fucking retarded to use the same engine. And it's not because you can't be asked to find out how the looks of Call of duty have changed over 4 years that they haven't.
  2. And this is what I meant a while ago when I said that this community mostly consists of BF fanboys, you only critize what you think to be true about MW3 without looking at the possible different sides of the game. Change up gameplay? Sorry what? Gameplay still seems like every battlefield game out there because you know if they would change the entire gameplay behind a game you don't have the same game anymore. But yeah you're right lets totally change the gameplay of COD and change it to a platformer, while were at it lets add hats. Or do you want COD to become a BF clone? Oh and please define your idea of an expansion pack. Because if adding new guns, gameplay tactics, gameplay itself, maps, story, customization abilities, challenges, ... to a game is an expansion pack then damn it I payed to much for Assassin's creed (Expansion pack) 2 and (Expansion pack) Brotherhood. Don't forget about Half-life 2(expansion pack) ep1 and ep2, we shouldn't leave portal (expansion pack) 2 out AND OFCOURSE The expansion pack for Left 4 Dead called Left 4 Dead 2. Really, in your opinion MW3 looks great? Take a look at the graphics of MW1, see a difference? I didnt think so.CoD became popular because Call of Duty 1, 2 and MW1 were absolutely great games, even I still play CoD2 and MW1. Every Call of Duty has been the same after MW1.Same engine, same crap... - 1 argument. One final quote from the Infinity Ward team
  3. You're comparing 2 different types of FPS games with each other. Modern Warfare 3 is a close quarter combat game that focuses less on teamplay and more on what the individual person can do for it's team. It involves using killstreaks to change the tide. Teamplay and tactics increase the chance of winning but are not necessary. Battlefield 3 on the other hand uses a wider and of course larger map to play on and focuses a lot more on teamplay. Because of the fact that it's such a large map a variety of vehicles is used which also spices up the gameplay. You can't win by simple going solo and taking out the team because this will only result in failure. Both games should be handle as games from the top rank (atm) and there should be no hate against either one of them. The only extreem negative thing about the Call of Duty series is that it's overpriced and stays that way for far too long. I think MW2 is still 60bucks on steam or something? BF3 --> teamplay MW3 --> 'brainless' playing (in a positive way)
  4. Enchanting doesn't work in smp atm. Either way, the nether will be a huge deal now seeing how you need loads of resources for potions from in there.
  5. I was 14 when I got admin for a community, never had a single complaint of my adminship AND I have never abused my powers in any way (cept maybe use beacon on myself). Age shouldn't matter too much, it's how mature the player itself can be.
  6. For as far as I know being over 16 is not needed althought maturity is. I wish you the best of luck although I don't recall you being active on IRC tbh. BUT that could be me ofc.
  7. I only build the front side of my exterior wall and I've already used 12 out of my 18 chunks -.-' guess I'll need to call in some friends.
  8. Sounds like someone wants their pretty buildings blown up
  9. So we gotta wait for you to open the doors everytime we gotta go in the nether... ;o For as far as I know, it would be open the doors for rangers and I don't think you're in the rangers are you? Either way /home doesn't work if the portal is locked in between 2 walls and the teleport is commencing but bugging out. You can't type when being teleported
  10. blackmail is a part of war anyway, btw that nether thing has been a problem for ages which I pointed out quite some times but now that you experience you want them to unclaim everything? lol, if I can handle it so can you.
  11. problem is the splitting the prize money when you're in a faction I think
  12. I like the idea, it also makes it easier for new players to get to know the game and maps a bit.
  13. I hope we get a huuuge map, and as zunz said, only 8chunks? I don't know, it might be enough, but it might as well not be.
  14. I'M IN ON THIS ON, better start drawing out a plan in single player, create some sort of story, mazes puzzles etc
  15. ON MINECRAFT TOPIC: Apparently there will be a new nether mob that is as annoying as the arch-vile from doom source: and ofcourse the nether bridges, red mushroom cow, etc.
  16. Silly clavus, that's not important. The most important things are useless new structures in the nether. Who cares about smp gameplay anyway
  17. temp creative mode on peacefull? =P Ideas, ideas everywhere
  18. I'd help but I wasn't sure if the server was on or not (too lazy to check in-game) with the constant server is off on off on. And notch? He's busy playing deus ex and answering stupid questions on his blog
  19. I wonder how it'll look, it'd be a bummer if it's just a tad darker red brick.
  20. Because he's notch and doesn't give a damn
  21. Sooo is the server going up? Seeing how apparently bukkit plugin is done.
  22. meh gets raided anyway, what's the use? if raiding is prohibited on contest buildings I'll make a village MERCHANT FACTION!!!
  23. Chrome, firefox as back-up, IE as last resort VMR what browser is that?
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