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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by TheGreenGrasshopper

  1. These aren't upcoming games, these are the games you find interesting AND are being released in 2011. Am I right Dr. Minky?
  2. I for one am already saying that I don't want to be officer because of the fact that I never played guild wars before so I have no idea what I might expect from guilds and the game in particular
  3. Well it's his job maths so I assume he knows what he's doing =p But yeah the middle one is really realistic, the other ones (I feel) are missing a bit of depth or sharpness.
  4. Shouldn't trolling raise the warn level? Just asking btw. On a side-note: why are there like tons of 1man factions that each take over a lap of ground and then never come online again? It irritates me endless to walk around, finding something worth mining and then find out it's in some weird faction.
  5. TheGreenGrasshopper


    well I didn't mind the endless loop but the fact that I could perfectly hear where the music restarted.
  6. TheGreenGrasshopper


    Ugh 143 points and now I'm tired of it, the music was indeed a bit irritating.
  7. I shall be a Necromancer of the Norn race, having power over both life and death. My 2nd choice is a being a Thief from the Sylvari race.
  8. You call in a few weeks very soon? And it's going to be in 2 parts -.-' flawless logic there. God I hope those critical hits won't be too critical.
  9. I once rode on a little pony. He looked like this Now what is so dazzling about this whole mlp thing? Besides the fact that it's becoming one hell of an annoying meme on the internet (nyan style)
  11. r u saying u dont like it? *Checks original post* nope don't seem to mention me not liking it. I wonder how they'll price it though, or if there will be a special promotion linked to it. Like people who own CSS get a discount or something, that would be extremely sweet and that way they can up the price a bit for people who don't own CSS.
  12. So it's just a remake of CSS with a few new weapons, map layout changes and a new texture pack.
  14. I get worse armor, but I do get a diamond sword/bow
  15. GW2 sounds epic after I heard about it and I might even buy the game, so open up a spot for me. Clavus his character as what was it, elementalist/monk sounds like something for me =p
  16. lol dream on awesomeo, we'll see who the weaker ones are at the event
  17. K then I'm in
  18. AAAAWWW seems like this tf2 admin is too late to sign in
  19. 1.Play arena 2.Get loads of points and lose a few 3..... 4. PROFIT! And if you don't believe me, check the hlxstats, the top 100 consists of people practically only playing arena.
  20. Congratulations on finally noticing that lol. I lose 25 points for practically everyone cept for people who play loads in arena because you only lose a max of 25 points every round and there is a big chance you get a lot of points. That's why I hate that points system. You lose 25 points per death and only get 5 per kill.
  21. Is it still so that explosions do shit in enemy faction territories when all the faction members are offline? If so, fix plz? =p I hate waiting till one of them goes online just to use my cannon.
  22. People have tried raiding mungol, never happened with success.
  23. I was thinking the same, it can't be that this is the first time we hear about this.
  24. I would try and find out what was causing that sound. Gotta know what shit is going doing. The description says that no one can find the source, how can they not find that......... Authorities or media must have picked up on something right?
  25. You know when 1.8 comes?:facepalm:... maybe there is a release datum..I have sacrificed a goat and I have read the future from its entrails! They say that... I don't know, livers don't talk. Maybe it's released when it's finished? Finished? OOOH you mean when there are enough bugs in it, yeah your right. On a serious note: 1.8 should be playable at minecon, so that would be in november if I'm right.
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