Man deluvas, sad to hear. I hope you'll still be active on the other game servers, besides I know that you'll still be usefull for this community xD even if it's just for the cinema or for a gamemode.
You kow I was wondering, if I was one of those pigmen I'd be pretty pissed at the minecrafters. They were living rather peacefully and now, thanks to us, they're getting shot at by fireballs and hit with swords/arrows.
lol Jeremiah is hitting under the belt. I will tell you what we are dealing with right now, the same people that always complain about how OP/UP something is because they keep getting killed by it or can't kill with it and if you keep listening to the whiners you'll get a shitty game like MW2 where everytime that someone gets killed by something they go "OMG THAT GUN IS SO OP I WISH IW GOT RID OF IT CRY CRY CRY" seriously now.
to get it with the achievements it's best to type retry after using the script that way your game won't notice that the sv_cheats has been on. I use it for some achievements and it works. If you can't get connection to the steam servers use heartbeat and change map.
in this case buying is easier than finding a crack in case you didn't notice =P But yeah I wonder if notch is also gaining a boost in profit with his coming update.