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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by TheGreenGrasshopper

  1. imagine getting colored glasses qtesla xD
  2. skills lukkie, how can you swim with them?
  3. 1,2,3,4,5.5,10,12,20,21 Idk, I think 20 looks like the most fun imo.
  4. You should have stayed with Nphect
  5. adjusted
  6. Yo are part of carpileup and binslayer
  7. *look at page one then see that I updated it* =D
  8. Shameless bump, I updated the list a bit
  9. This http://www.frihost.com/forums/vt-95057.html is true win. But that's going off-topic. on-topic: only 11 more days till pumpkin hats
  10. epic bump =P Still good luck and such, you still play tf2 a lot?
  11. Tadah
  12. Epic troll is epic, grtz to Redgord. Now if everyone that thinks this is true would go to http://notch.tumblr.com/ and look at the 11th of October, thank you.
  13. Mayco loves getting caught by his left hand when doing it with his right hand.
  14. lol you should start with: Who here has had sex before.
  15. Damn those pancakes. Anyways here is the story of how my name changed into what it is today: I got into online gaming quiet late it must have been around 2003 (that's also te reason why I had no idea that valve even existed). Anyways, I had to get a name for my online games and I started using WBrules, my initials + rules. After a couple of years I started disliking that name since I felt that it showed that I had a huge ego, during that time I also got the LoZ collector edition disc for the gamecube. At one point in majora's mask you have to get your horse, epona, and the horse girl, I think she's called Malon, says that Link kinda looks like a grasshopper. See where I'm heading at xD So my favorite colo(u)r is green and I started thinking about "the green grasshopper", being a huge LoZ fan and all and the different meaning of my name is green as in rookie and grasshopper, karate kid someone? It changed quiet a bit though, Kid Grasshopper or just Grasshopper, although Grasshopper seems to be taken everywhere. And a couple of weeks ago I saw this House M.D. episode where they get a sick "knight" called sir ... the <insert color>, and since my name had a color it fitted pretty good xD And that my children is why I am called The Green Grasshopper
  16. 3cans of paint and 3 mann co boxes, none of them that I actually want but I don't rlly feel like trading them away.
  17. hundred has a fraeking waterfall, INSIDE his fort. o.0
  18. I try playing but after about 10 blocks I get all sorts of java errors, it's annoying as hell and I lose precious time logging in and remining the blocks that have been put back.
  19. I hate that, because we have some retards running around doing crap to other peoples stuff the good guys get punished. That's what turns people into supervillains. wasn't there some command that admins can't use anymore because some guy abused it? EDIT: lol Heinix, we can haz fire back clavus?
  20. Wait a minute, doesn't that mean that you guys found a flaw in the infinite world?
  21. Join the server and type /home, it's choatic imo, you jsut start at a block of stone and if you just joined (like beatalex) it looks as if there is not a single spot left to 1) get out or 2)built. Still it's just my opinion, but I wouldn't mind a bit of structure.
  22. If we get a new world, pls don't built immediatly at spawn, it looks so crowded, like get a road at spawn. Just my opinion, I know most won't like it.
  23. A new map would be nice, lose the snow and maybe make a thread to tell what you want to make so you can actually show people where they can build which will also make it easier to make roads and signs.
  24. man it looks like you got it right out of some gameplay damn, you have a gift man. But something about the scout makes me go "hmm what's wrong here"
  25. I need english port D:
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