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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by NECROSSIN

  1. Enjoying multiplayer (even if it lags sometimes) as assault recon (screw ya recon haters :V)

    SKS + Good assault sight+ laser all the way.

    Also its pretty awesome how DICE upgraded MAV:

    1. Better camera
    2. Built in motion sensor (can hover over enemies and team can see them on minimap)
    3. More bonus spotting points (also tasty ribbons)
    4. Infamous ability to road kill
    5. Ability to pack it with mines/claymores (untested in actual game yet, worked fine in beta)
    6. Good combination with friendly mortar

  2. Multiplayer aint working for me atm, but I finished singleplayer.

    9.7/10 (for singleplayer so far :V)

    It was kinda short but I really enjoyed playing it.

    Oh and especially with maxed out graphics it looks even 10x times as amazing

  3. Well, got some stuff done so far so here comes the list:

    (Note: all stuff below may be changed and some things are unfinished)


    • Imported waves system from zs 2.0 (6 waves in total)
    • Added random revive ability for Normal Zombie (disabled on headshots and gibbing, also give a little health)
    • Dead humans revives as zombies in same spot where they were killed (with little amount of health)
    • Added knockdowns for humans (or I mean against)
    • If player takes fall damage - he will be knocked down (humans only)
    • Same thing ^ happens when human gets prop 'killed' (but he survives it)
    • Supply crates will spawn at the end of each wave (except for last wave)
    • Imported ability to start as zombie by walking near poison gasses (only at wave 0)
    • If player decides to suicide at wave 0 - he will be forced to spectate until wave 1 instead of trying to get free kills
    • Imported a bit better dragging. You can now drag small and heavy props
    • Added ability to see through the prop that you are dragging atm

    Hud and other stuff:

    • Added new HUD for waves (unfinished) and changed the current HUD a bit (both human's and zombie's)
    • Wave HUD is also scalable for all resolutions :o
    • Revamped HUD that shows when player is dead
    • Added HUD for spectating zombies
    • Added TF2 like Freezecam (unfinished)
    • Returned 'FirstPerson death' unless player is spectating (knockdowns and revives also uses first person)
    • Optimized and updated violence
    • When human dies and revives as zombie he still have human's model (with zombie's animations)

    Some random screenshots:




    More info about 'how new leveling is gonna be' coming soon!

    no classes

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