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Posts posted by NECROSSIN

  1. More stuff:

    • Added Class Refunds. If you has lvl 4 or more for some human's classes - you will have some stuff unlocked.
    • Hopefully optimised turrets and poison gasses.
    • Torch now can heal turrets.
    • You can rotate turret before placing it (right click).
    • Greatly decreased reviving chance for melee weapons.
    • Slightly increased damage for explosives.
    • Optimised some gore effects that could cause random client crashes (untested).
    • Starting zombies no longer can get their health back in poison zombies (only up to their default health).
    • Throwing puke as Poison Zombie consumes much less health now.
    • Boss selection should be more accurate.

  2. @Sneed I think the point of Hate is not so much to just obliterate the team, but to just stop them camping. Like in that video, people get nice and cosy in a corner or in a decent cade, then Hate can come along and force them out of it; leaving the other players to pick them off.

    Makes sense when you think about it, although its not as cool as being able to kill everyone.

    Correct me if I'm wrong..

    Humans dont really need to kill Hate to survive, but if they want to survive - they need to survive the Hate :o


    Uploaded more stuff:

    • Turned on Nostalgic 1st April event.
    • Reworked crate spawning so game will try to spawn crates that are closer to humans.
    • Added Turret Power perk for rank 30. Increases turret's damage by 50%.
    • All suits have 10% off for today in grenshop.
    • Hat Painter is 30% off for today.
    • Unlocked something from the past and made a ~95% chance of spawning for it (needs >12 ppl).
    • Fixed 'Enter' key not working on my keyboard.

  3. Bleh. Also included some stuff from previous mini patch:

    • Hopefully fixed an 'explot' that allowed zombies respawn between waves.
    • Decreased bullet resistance of meat shield.
    • Fixed melee achievements.
    • Changed Hate's requirements once again. Dont ask me about them :V
    • Fixed rare bug where player didnt had melee weapon when he joined server for the first time.
    • Fixed Poison Protection perk not working against headcrab's spits.
    • Increased grenade's price a bit.
    • Slightly decreased accuracy for Deagle.
    • Fixed 'Supply Crate X m' text still showing up when player had his hud off.
    • Added 2 mysterious achievements.

  4. Just uploaded a new patch:

    • Added Hat Painter shop item. Cost: 5200. Using this thing you can change color of your hat (F4 Menu, preview included). (Currently bugged, fixing it)(fixed)
    • Added Comeback perk. Unlocked at rank 24, avalaible for those who had 'Comeback' and 'Might of prev. life'. Gives you 200 sp after redeeming.
    • Increased chances for Hate to appear.
    • Fixed a bug where zombies still had crow's weapon.
    • Fixed few clientside bugs

  5. Meh a double post.

    • Reworked Horde resistance. If there are less than 10 zombies - Max amount of zombies required to have a resistance will be based on total amount of zombies. Hope this will help zombies on early waves.
    • Hopefully fixed weird delay when ya switch to Medkit.
    • Same with small bug where you could refill your medkit by dropping it.
    • Increased Speed Boost perk up to 8%.
    • Torch now gives ya stuff for every 45 hp healed instead of 60.

  6. Uploaded more stuff:

    • Now you can wear hat and suit at same time.
    • Fixed buttons in green-shop, so they no longer confuse players.
    • Health of starting zombies now based on human's amount.
    • Increased horde resistance a bit.
    • Increased Poison zombie's health up to 480 instead of 450.
    • Increased Fast Zombie's health from 80 to 100.
    • Increased Zombine's health from 250 to 270.
    • Fast Zombie no longer can jump while screaming.
    • You no longer can gain xp/sp by repairing nails that were damaged by humans.
    • Added a small restriction so humans no longer can place Mobile Supplies/Turrets on Supply Crate spawns.
    • Increased Mobile Supplies time from 2:05 to 2:30.
    • Fixed recoil not working.
    • Fixed a bug where player could not use Mobile Supplies for first time (untested).
    • Added Handy Man perk for rank 16. Increases regeneration rate of torch.
    • Added Speed Boost perk for rank 14. Increases walking speed by 5%.
    • Added few more maps.

  7. One more patch!

    • Fixed horde resistance not working.
    • Fixed beats and horde-meter not working together.
    • Fixed small clientside error when you had weapon's selection hud on and turned into zombie.
    • Fixed decapitation not working.
    • Zombies wont revive more than 3 times per life.
    • Fixed once again that humans wont stuck in reviving zombies.
    • Crows no longer can block humans.
    • Added option to disable legs in F4.
    • Nailing now rewards ya with xp/sp.
    • Repairing nails with torch does same.
    • Fixed bug with speed not working properly.
    • Healing with medkit should be easier a bit.

  8. Uploaded small patch today:

    • Reduced damage from poison gasses.
    • Increased sales a bit.
    • Fixed a bug where player was not spawning with suit.
    • To earn XP you need at least 6 players on server.
    • Reworked horde system so its more optimised.
    • Reduced max amout of horde resistance from 60% to 55%.
    • Reduced max amount of zombies required for full horde resistance from 12 to 10.
    • Ethereal can slowly move while attacking and being disguised.
    • Fixed humans being stuck in reviving zombies.
    • Reduced Nail's cost down to 40 skillpoints.
    • Reduced amount of xp/sp for mobile supplies down to 3.
    • XP/SP earned with medkit equals amount of healed health.
    • Reduced damage of Pot and Frying Pan.
    • Increased Crowbar's dmg a little.
    • Added 30% chance to revive for zombies if killed by melee weapons.
    • Probably fixed killcam clientside error (untested)

  9. Levels:

    Good idea, but is it that ppl dont get anything when they reach lvl 5? I saw ppl reaching lvl 5 (or 6 idk) and saying they didn't get anything even later after it. Not sure, but is it a bug or something undone?

    Its not a bug, there are just not enough stuff to fill all 35 ranks for now

  10. Well yeah

    Beta is avalaible on actual server

    Possible bugs so far:

    • Sometimes round doesnt ends when there are no humans
    • Sometimes server freezes (weird)
    • Possible clientside error when someone is trying to plant a crate or something
    • Sometimes human's weapons are invisible
    • Medkit is glitchy a bit and requires some aiming

    Other than that - I'll try to fix the stuff

  11. Blah, small double post.

    If anything goes right - open beta might be avalaible on next week.

    Meanwhile I was fixing some shit and working on zombie boss for last wave.

    Also yeah, there will be a rare (or random) zombie boss on last wave in case if humans are really strong and zombies needs some help.

    So currently there will be one boss called 'Hate'.

    Its pretty huge (30% taller than human) terrifying 'thing' that has Poison Zombie's model on steroids. And a chainsaw of course.

    It has ~2900-3300 health, average speed (equals to human's speed if he is holding rifle) and strong damage. And it cant move while attacking.

    Due to it's huge size - it is a possible to hide at vents or something from him.

    So yeah, thats the most scary and disturbing thing on zs so far.

    Also small screenie: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/488878325845726699/E011BF3DE910F75F0AD9B399ECFCE03DA1C6FC70/

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