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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by NECROSSIN

  1. They just opened Battlelog. Go, go, go
  2. Also, new drivers by AMD/NVidia were released (for BF3 of course)
  3. Going to play BF3 with 200% cooldown effect on a moon, eh?
  4. Finally plugged in this babe: My computer is ready for BF3!
  5. 3 days to go until BF3

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. xeim


      a lot of days .. my pc cant even run it on medium without fps lags on big maps.....

    3. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      What now? Oh yeah, that thing.

    4. Luke Nukem

      Luke Nukem

      -Social Life Depleted-

  6. 25th here Also finally reinstalled Windows, got new fresh 500 Gb hard drive and about to get GeForce GTX 570 yo be ready
  7. Same issue. Hope they will fix that soon.
  8. Holy shit -------------------------- Just got email from origin store, that says that BF3 is gonna be avalaible at 24th October for me (Holy shit)³
  9. Not gonna wash my eyes until release
  10. And small bump with actual video:
  11. Also: http://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield3/comments/lextg/my_lengthy_impressions_after_lots_of_playtime_on/
  12. Also, possibly new viewmodels based on player's model and such (stuff is REALLY bugged and there are lots of clipping issues atm, but it looks cool): http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/540656382543415787/31FCD73858DACF331306538318F0FE5581502D75/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/540656382542672787/737863BA188E7FBC89420703D7BFEBD5D9DD6B46/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/540656382542421972/F800725A0D5A9AFB62EB2BFAE4184367E2925779/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/540656382539327639/396329CABCCC533F355EC65A09650840ED35A0E6/
  13. Well, got some stuff done so far so here comes the list: (Note: all stuff below may be changed and some things are unfinished) Gameplay: Imported waves system from zs 2.0 (6 waves in total) Added random revive ability for Normal Zombie (disabled on headshots and gibbing, also give a little health) Dead humans revives as zombies in same spot where they were killed (with little amount of health) Added knockdowns for humans (or I mean against) If player takes fall damage - he will be knocked down (humans only) Same thing ^ happens when human gets prop 'killed' (but he survives it) Supply crates will spawn at the end of each wave (except for last wave) Imported ability to start as zombie by walking near poison gasses (only at wave 0) If player decides to suicide at wave 0 - he will be forced to spectate until wave 1 instead of trying to get free kills Imported a bit better dragging. You can now drag small and heavy props Added ability to see through the prop that you are dragging atm Hud and other stuff: Added new HUD for waves (unfinished) and changed the current HUD a bit (both human's and zombie's) Wave HUD is also scalable for all resolutions Revamped HUD that shows when player is dead Added HUD for spectating zombies Added TF2 like Freezecam (unfinished) Returned 'FirstPerson death' unless player is spectating (knockdowns and revives also uses first person) Optimized and updated violence When human dies and revives as zombie he still have human's model (with zombie's animations) Some random screenshots: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/540656382515521439/09FCF630745325F44EC87DB909338D511FA3B695/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/540656382515523532/B2A1EDA54A4DD1461B8A253B1B26144BF41066C8/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/542908047539276454/C1757C64B56834EAA998A2F668D2F0723A879F54/ More info about 'how new leveling is gonna be' coming soon! no classes
  14. Deus specs + Purist Fist at same time! Heavy Jensen, here I come!
  15. Sexy:
  16. http://battlefieldo.com/hd-pictures-2nd-disk-xbox/ also:
  17. Found some interesting stuff about another bf3 map: http://uk.ign.com/videos/2011/10/07/battlefield-3-operation-firestorm-developer-commentary
  18. Just tried MAV + Clavus' mines. Scared the shit out of few tank drivers on CB
  19. Just opened MAV (Micro Air Vehicle) for recon and its pretty awesome to toy around with. It highlights all players, you can easily spot them and of course its funny to use it with c4 http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/542907315000766951/08E98D651B17B5575CA92C2803EC485B828F62FC/
  20. These are just 2 textures. However its kinda possible to make similar thing using bonemerging and other stuff
  21. Yeah its hilarious, however bug where someone is invisible is much worse
  22. Hmmm.. Zs 2.0 code is incredibly bugged. Gotta do the opposite thing: bring core of zs 2.0 inside current zs instead of fixing zs 2.0 and adding all stuff from current zs
  23. I didnt said that im gonna remove chem zombie (yet) But please, post only if you got really good suggestions
  24. Before I start writing stuff down here - I gotta warn you: This is NOT a topic about bitching "Waaah you 'ruined' zs!" and such This is NOT a suggestion topic for current zs So what is this? I decided to help our zs once again, however from scratch (using zs 2.0). Why I wanna do it? Because face it - current zs is kinda old and sadly got overloaded with some useless upgrades :/ However what I am planning to do with ZS 2.0: First of all fix all bugs that appeared during GMod updates (broken animations and other crap) Add 4 classes and new leveling system (about it read below) Import Zombine of course (maybe with some changes), however not sure about Howler (unless Ywa will eat me ) Add GreenCoins of course And some other stuff that is currently undecided... In theory it should be a nice stable version of zs (with advanced cading and such) with features from good old current zs About leveling system: Well any ideas are welcome (but not really complicated) My thoughs: System where you unlock more weapons for kills/rewards tree during your progress (using xp), + you have to unlock some perks that can be used in 1-2 limited slots. +global ranks (yeah sounds like bf ) System where you have 4 classes again, but each class has 4 same perks that can be progressed by spending gained xp and such (perks are Health, Agility, and need 2 more). This will be a bit different because classes may have dirrefent default health and some other different stuff. About classes: Possible idea(that can finally make all classes fair): Merge Commando and Medic (make commando less 'fat', give him only assault rifles, make new health kit) Leave Marksman (make it more useful) Give Support heavy weapons (like m249 , give him nerfed version of mines or something, remove hammer since its shared weapon) Rework Engineer (remove pulse weapons, give him smgs and such, remove mines, leave turret) So if you have any ideas - go ahead and post them here (remember, without shitposting like in other zs threads). Oh and when its gonna be? When I'll gather more nice ideas (however I can start fixing some stuff in zs 2.0 already) and of course when I'll get some free time. And one more thing - can anyone think about better name than Zombie Survival Green Apocalypse 2.0?
  25. Agreed
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