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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by NECROSSIN

  1. You keep the 'human' form. Might add an ability to remove it by clicking secondary attack second time. Also here how it looks :
  2. More stuff: Imported dynamic spawn system for zombies from zs3. So zombies can spawn in group of other zombies. Also reworked shitload of bugs with crows/spectating. Reworked Ethereal Zombie. Primary attack is still same and zombie is still shivering, but constantly emits sobbing sounds. Secondary attack lets you 'take an appearance' of random human, but with default ethereal's animations. Also when disguised ethereal deals 50% more damage. (still might add small confusion efefct for nearby humans when player starts disguising) Added info bars for weapons in skillshop. Damage/Accuracy/RoF for ranged weapons and Damage/Reach/Speed for melee weapons. Also changed prices Fixed killcam being a bitch sometimes Added ability to turn on/off clientside hands (f4 menu). For ones who dont like left handed css weapons. Fixed bug with TMP/UMP and something else where players could not equip weapons when it was out of ammo Greatly increased accuracy for Annabelle and enabled ricochet effect for it
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Damien


      Red and green are already implemented, but not like that

    3. Damien


      red = not enough sp. green = you can buy it

    4. Dr.Minky


      Ahh I see, okay :V

  3. There is no need to copy every damn stuff from zs3 each time they update it. Im slowly turning this zs onto different way btw lua cache is different too, so its useless
  4. There is no need in second howler. Thus Ethereals are more for support than for going solo and trying to harvest some kills
  5. Some people will like it: Imported updated prop dragging from zs3. Now cading should be easy as hell Fixed so called 'long arms bug' for zombies. Zombies no longer can hit you from insane distance Removed Ethereal's teleportation (need to replace it with something) Reworked clientside hands so they should no longer crash player if he switched weapons very often Changed Fast Zombie's actual size to fit the model Imported thirdperson mode for zombies (C button) About Ethereals: Since they no longer can teleport, I have a small idea how to make them a bit useful. When player presses alt attack - Ethereal will 'disguise' as human (NOTE: it looks like a human model with Ethereal's animations) Of course it will not work when player is alone, unless humans are really blind. But when horde strikes again - its hard to tell is that a zombie or just a human. Still thinking about should Ethereal drop his disguise when he attacks or not. Ideas?
  6. Sadly its a side effect of incorrect compatibility of clientside hands with flipped css models. Still searching for a possible fix for that (non CSS models are right handed)
  7. Ugh. Did more changes meanwhile: Finished new Mobile Supplies Fixed ~70% of all weapons after merging to a new weapon's base Hopefully fixed some weird crow bugs Removed hint and info messages from chatbox Hints and other info stuff now will be displayed on top on user's screen (can be turned off via F4 menu) Tweaked human's HUD a little Reworked Skillpoints system. Points now stored in player:Frags(), so the can viewed via scoreboard and from server info. Reworked the way how player gets Skillpoints for assists. Each zombie now have static amount of skillpoints as a reward. Assist will get 50% of them. Players now will be rewarded with 2500 XP for surviving (counts when there are >8 players) Explosives now have manual detonating. Also you cant have more than 4 or 5 (cant remember) max explosives on a ground. Decreased headshot damage from 200% to 130% because of new weapon's stats (balance) Shotguns no longer have ironsights. Changed music on endround for humans and zombies. Totally reworked endround screen (IW inspired ) to fit the new style. Disabled custom chatbox at the end of round, since players can easily see default one. Some of things in todo list: Fix zombie's arms Add dynamic spawning for zombies (one where you can spawn on teammates) Add ability for humans to spawn on teammates too (at the beginning or after redeeming) Remake Medkit Remake Green-Shop Add unnail ability for hammer Greatly improve barricading Add more perks Add ability to turn off HUD Add cinematic mode Add some neat secret stuff Add more hats/suits Fix huge dumpster full of bugs
  8. Finished The Darkness 2 singleplayer. Its sadly short but sweet

  9. 14th February. Time to hunt down tons of zombies.

    1. Weo


      update coming then?

  10. You cant drink stuff and watch how Ywa is playing Amnesia surrounded by friends if you use hamachi
  11. Uh. After huge wall of exams did some changes: Imported melee base from latest released zs, so melee weapons are not bitchy anymore. + they have swing delay Same goes to usual weapon's base, so a bit better ironsights and etc. Also no more ammo limit. Finally got the global FOV thingy working (the one in actual garry's mod options) Greatly decreased zombine's running speed. Tts almost equal to human's speed now. Added new 3D messages instead of ols ones (ones that like 'Wave X has begun' and etc) Hopefully fixed annoying 0 health bug. Also I think that Explosives will be changed to manual detonating.
  12. Pray that you wont meet THIS by yourselves (because its freaked me out once I saw it, and this screen is pretty old):
  13. Hmmmm.... Probably(!) in next 1-2 months you can expect public beta of zs, featuring upgraded weapons, leveling and such :o

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Pufulet


      The day the update is out is the day my bed wont ever see me again.

    3. Griffon


      Well this might be the thing that makes me play gmod, again hurray more hours of my daily life dedicated to Anime, LOL and gmod

  14. You've brought hell to 12 years old admins !
  15. Bought The Darkness II for myself and for someone else... Only need to wait for 11th february

  16. Almost finished my swep during a break from ZS :

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Damien


      I played that nox gamemode once and was like wtf. :/

    3. Tennisballesser


      I play it for 3 days now and I am still like wtf :/

  17. Why you unlock turret so early? Its gunna be turret spam, or only one person will be able to place turrets cuz the maps are soo shitty and either too small for 2 turrets (like pub) or a map with only 1 decent cading spot As Pufulet noted, its not an actual tree of unlocks (this one is for testing purposes only)
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