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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by NECROSSIN

  1. Indeed By the way finished smaller version of HUD for zombies too: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/542898929809949451/C6F684E82DE005C6EA9824FA616EDF23324E5134/
  2. Until they realise that they should always make a headshots, otherwise - sweet death.
  3. Also Pufulet recorded some Marksman's stuff:
  4. You wont get anything by bumping thread with some offtopic posts and trying to quote outdated code. Stay ontopic, please.
  5. Oh and also they showed an overview of that Metro Operation map:
  6. Congratulations, Darkstar!
  7. Straight from Facepunch: (late or not but its still interesting) http://enterbf3.com/images/psm3_5.jpg http://enterbf3.com/images/psm3_6.jpg http://enterbf3.com/images/psm3_7.jpg http://enterbf3.com/images/psm3_8.jpg http://enterbf3.com/images/psm3_9.jpg http://enterbf3.com/images/psm3_10.jpg http://enterbf3.com/images/psm3_11.jpg http://enterbf3.com/images/psm3_12.jpg
  8. *Scene where medic walks out of hospital with doves* *1 second later* *Scene where spy kills medic from "Meet the spy"* On topic: Great video
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLCFQyqEoHA&feature=player_embedded
  10. Thanks to Clavus (he updated the server), so holtypes are fine now. Also fixed small F4 menu bug and enabled swimming animations for humans. Report about any unnoticed bugs (if they are still here).
  11. Forgot this video:
  12. We just travelled back in time.
  13. What the hell is going on?

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  14. Make sure that you have 'Download all files from server' in Options. Also try these 2 commands: cl_allowdownload 1 cl_downloadfilter all
  15. I'll just leave it there:
  16. So be ready to meet them...

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  17. Potatoes are closer

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  18. BlueYoushi97 forgot to give ya a keys for your personal pink BMW

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  19. Uploaded small update on SVN/Server: Fixed a bug when new animations for Elites were appearing when player was a zombie. Added new sounds for Normal Zombie. Changed berserker's healing a bit. Added poison gasses on zs_deadhouse
  20. Small SkillShop progress: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/540642470597979976/6E383AEC63C4A999A2A4C3AEA8DD901B38E5C791/ Also here are some ideas that possible will be implemented at next updates: When player gets nessesary amount of brains (3 or 4) he will have 1-2 minutes to redeem. When timer runs out - player will stay as a zombie the whole round. Berserker's health gaining will be greatly reduced and it will no longer use coefficients. Instead berserker will get some kind of damage resistance perk (like the medic).
  21. Uploaded new update on SVN/Server: Fixed infamous 'godmode' bug. Raged zombines no longer can gain health from gibs. Poison Zombies no can heal only 3 poison zombies at once. Slightly increased max amount of ammo for USP. Added some more poison gasses on chaos system. Changed cade kit a bit to prevent skycading (). Slightly reduced infliction requirements to get Boom Stick. Added speed boost ability for zombies on some more big maps. Lasthuman bonus damage now depends from amount of zombies on the server. Also skillshop is currently WIP so stop asking when its done
  22. New medkit didnt worked good at zs :/ Gotta change it back to usual one in next update, but I'll keep the ability to refill it from crate.
  23. Thanks guys, but I think that Deluvas deserved these appreciations much more than me
  24. Damn, I almost forgot to post a changelog: Re-added beats sounds. Votemute and votegag should work fine now (use !mutevote and !gagvote) Added a message with voting results (Need to tweak it for different resolutions) Added poison gasses on zs_clav_chaossystem
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