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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by NECROSSIN

  1. Damien is awesome too
  2. 'both' sounds more awesome
  3. Thanks guys
  4. Okay, I'll try it finally Gameserver: Mr-Green's Zombie Survival (Gmod) Age: 16 (17 in this August) Country of origin: Russia Link to SteamCommunity profile: here Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Well.. I have been playing on mr. green over a year, in Infected Wars and ZS (now mostly in ZS: over 135 hours). I am very friendly and creative. At the half time of my playing there are rarely any admins online (probably because of different GMT time: especially at the morning ). + Im trying to help Deluvas with zs a bit . So I promise to be a good admin, not abuse ravebreaks and help other players. Oh and I'm trying to be active at IRC as much as i can.
  5. http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?p=15163917#post15163917
  6. Umm.. but its only an additional attack for the current poison zombie. Not the new class
  7. I have a brilliant idea about "zombomedic" thing. Its new poison zombie' alternate attack So: If player have 2 or more brains he can use this attack. If you press mouse2 (or whatever ) you will emit a scary scream (player cant move while screaming) (sound\npc\zombie_poison\pz_call1.wav) and in next 15-20 seconds all nearby zombies will receive health regeneration (not so slow and not so fast) while the "scream owner" will receive slower speed. Works only 1 time per life and health regeneration will dissapear if "scream owner" dies. So its just like a Buff Banner but for zombies, with some balancing stuff and health regeneration. Oh and this 'attack' will not heal the "scream owner" (So prepare for REAL teamwork!)
  8. Lets get serious! btw: its my new avatar
  9. Scary and awesome
  10. This and this. This would be really helpful with "unusual" SWEPs (that doesnt shoot bullets)
  11. So you had been waiting for this... and you got it! Here is full information about this new class: Health: 300-400 Advantages: Ability to sprint Powerful grenade attack (35-36 max dmg at close range) No headshots ("neckshots" only) Zombine can drop grenade after his death Disadvantages: Zombine is stunned while attacking Zombine can't crouch (and do crouch jumps) Screens:
  12. Awesome update Some more screens:
  13. Save the zombies! Stop the camping!
  14. Sony Ericsson k750i Acer n300 Both old as hell
  15. ZS still need some fixes and balancing. Also if the zombine class is coming in next big update then...
  16. This is ... sooo true
  17. Player:SetDSP can make some kind of muffled sound for example.
  18. So I have some ideas how to "fix" the Howler. First of all: Add a bit bigger cooldown between each scream. 2. Use Player:SetDSP() instead of screen shaking + use some PostProcess effect for blinding the player (like a shade bomb from IW) Oh and I have some ideas for the ZS Green Shop: * Steel Feets: 50-60% decreased fall damage for humans * (unknown name D:): If you stand still - zombies cannot see you through the walls ("hiding" the 'health-orbs') -- Added: * (unknown name D:): player have a chance to take 40% - 50% less damage from throw prop
  19. Its Role-Playing Shooter!
  20. @ PEPPER 1. 370 metres including 'traceline' between each mine 2. -- 3. Agree 4. More green smoke 5. More admin apps 6. 200 metres away from zombie spawn + turret should take damage from poison spits 7. Agreed 8. Add ability to skip the shotty 9. Agreed 10. --- 11. --- My suggestions
  21. Hmm... What about Loadout system at the start of each round? Instead of classes
  22. umm.. but the Vaporizer rifle... and: Also I am making some new "achievements" for the assault class.
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