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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by NECROSSIN

  1. Howlers doesnt have a special bodygroup with headcrab on their head so its not possible. (Only via adding a clientside headcrab model just like the hats).
  2. Is not possible!

  3. Awesome video
  4. imo Bioshock 2. Awesome singleplayer and awesome multiplayers inside of one game. What else do you need to be happy? Agree with me, would you kindly... xD
  5. NO! JUST NO! But seriously they looks neat with headcrabs on their heads/bodies. This ^. While testing this there could be a big npc spam and lot of headcrabs running across the map :/. Anyway I support the idea where the player should control the headcrab from his head if he dies. BUT DONT TOUCH THE HEADCRABS! THEY ARE SO CUTE!
  6. Updated
  7. Achievements time! (Some of achievements are for next updates) 'iScream' - Kill 3 humans with a single Howler's scream. 'Simple Mind' - Kill 2 humans as a zombine using only your claws (in one round). 'Be effective' - Kill 3 humans with a single zombine's grenade. 'Bloody medicine' - Kill 150 zombies in total with your syringe gun. 'Nailed!' - Kill 150 zombies with your nail gun. 'Are you one of them?' - Eat the Deluvas while he is holding the hammer. 'Don't nail me, bro!' - Be killed by the Deluvas' hammer. ( ) 'Golden squad' - Survive 20 rounds with your squad. 'We are the winners' - Be a member of best squad in a round. 'Good doctor' - Heal a 10,000 hp for your squad's members (in total). 'Loads of money!' - Earn over 300 green coins (total squad's green coins) with your squad in single round. 'No more hope' - Eat 50 Gordon Freemans as a zombie. 'No mercy' - Kill zombine with a melee weapon while he is holding the grenade. 'Does it hurt?' - kill 8 zombies with a single grenade.
  8. Well, since Hundred2 is leaving the "team of admins" , I'd like to try my luck one more time. Gameserver: Mr-Green's Zombie Survival (Gmod) Age: 17 Country of origin: Russia Link to SteamCommunity profile: click! Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: I am a good friendly player and I really like to spend most part of my free time at Mr. Green's servers, because I have been playing here over a year. While playing all this time I was helping Deluvas with ZS a bit and was pretty active at the servers (and IRC ). So I'd like to be a good admin (no random ravebreaks or abusing) and keep the ZS (and IW) servers in 'awesome condition' . Hope this application will be more successful than the previous one.
  9. Umm... left4green.com youtube.com transformice.com facepunch.com fpsbanana.com garrysmod.org tf2items.com
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. What the hell
  12. Lawl. This is great:
  13. "yes! YEEES!"
  14. [offtopic] All we need is a Bile Bomb and Molotov xD [/offtopic]
  15. The Crysis 2 looks neat http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-2010-crysis-2/101143
  16. .. its brilliant xD
  17. problem solved
  18. 7.9/10 D: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqWkAHKO7IQ
  19. I lol'd:
  20. Some more:
  21. Its a bit old but:
  22. A bit simple but effective:
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