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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by NECROSSIN

  1. Fresh update on SVN: Tweaked damage scaling system (now with 99% more teamwork!) Implemented Clavus' SWEP Construction Kit's code into weapon's base Engineers now cant put mines near cades Slightly increased health for first 2 zombies Increased health penalty for suiciders and for other guys who like to die at the round start Slightly decreased damage for Axe and Crowbar (because of damage scaling) Slightly increased health gaining for berserker Increased recoil and slightly decreased damage for m249 Tweaked ironsights for Dual Elites Slightly decreased damage and rate of fire for Pulse Rifle Ethereals now cant move while attacking Increased amount of ammo for M3 at the player's spawn Tweaked design for cade kit
  2. In old zs cade kit was always a 'magic bazooka' that could create planks from air - so this is the only exception in ZS' weaponry and atmosphere (pulse rifle too).
  3. I'll just leave it there :
  4. Uploaded few more changes to SVN: Added Dual Elites Increased 'round start' time Changed few models for medic and berserker Also last uploaded update was almost a week ago so....
  5. Good luck Damien! I know that you will be an awesome admin on ZS.
  6. Log back to your account. This ^
  7. First of all I need to fix important things By the way uploaded few small changes on SVN: Descreased Ethereal's scream effect Holding down left mouse button will make ethereals visible (against ethereal's attack spamming) Added small effect for Green's hat Added some useful interface onto medkit (I know that text is pixel'ish a bit - thanks to cam.Start3D2D ):
  8. That was already fixed by Deluvas
  9. Uploaded some changes on SVN (however they are not on the server yet): Increased knockback effect for M3 Shotgun Slightly increased recharging time and recoil for Pulse Rifle Slightly increased health and damage for Headcrab Increased cooldown (4 seconds) between spits for poison headcrab Health gain for berserker now depends on how much damage was done Fixed 'Natural Immunity' upgrade Added few changes for the commando's perk (that allows you to see zombie's health) That's all for now
  10. Uploaded few changes on SVN: Fixed Cade Kit against exploiting (once again) Increased default barricade health from 250 to 350 Added small chat command "!mine" that allows you to check the mine's owner (could be useful if someone trying to destroy the barricade)
  11. My third try: Gameserver:GMod servers (Mostly ZS) Age: 17 Country of origin: Russia Link to SteamCommunity profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/necrossin Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Well I am a good gmod player and really like to spend my time in this great community. All this time I have been playing mostly at mr.green's gmod servers (ZS and IW) and sometimes at TF2 servers too. However now I'm fixing and balancing Zombie Survival for Mr. Green's GMod zs server . Hope I'll be very useful as admin.
  12. Yep, thats really strange. Btw server was fine at the morning
  13. Fixed a small bug where player's stats were disappearing after the end of round
  14. *Noted for myself* Already decreased poison headcrab's speed from 180 to 130. Gotta increase the delay between spits. About ethereals - need some good ideas how to balance them. I dont have access to gc commands so cant do much about it atm :/ I increased speed boost a bit and health per hit but berserker still not fixed at all (but he is able for leveling)
  15. All changes on SVN will be uploaded to the actual server later (soon I hope )
  16. Uploaded new update to SVN Changes: 100% fixed Engineer class 100% fixed Commando class Fixed headshot detection Slightly increased berserker's melee damage Added 'medic!' chat command (works only if you have less than 45 hp):
  17. Wow. Just wow.
  18. Added tons of stuff to SVN Changelog here: http://projects.limetric.com/projects/zombiesurvival/activity Gotta update and fix more stuff later (cause of exams D:)
  19. Mines should be used for traps, not for cleaning area if you are inside of zombie crowd
  20. Some more changes (on on SVN yet): Fixed Medic's leveling(needs some testing): Perks (the higher level - the better effect: 'Increased pistol damage' 'Increased healing effect' 'Increased movement speed' 'Increased resistance against damage' Perk ladder: "Heal 10k hp", "Open 100 supply crates" (lvl 0-1) "Heal 20k hp", "Open 250 supply crates" (lvl 1-2) "Heal 500 injured people", "Heal 1000 hp from supply crates" (lvl 2-3) "Heal 1000 injured people", "Heal 2100 hp from supply crates" (lvl 3-4) "Heal 400 infected people", "Survive 150 rounds" (lvl 4-5) "Heal 900 infected people", "Survive 300 rounds" (lvl 5-6) Changed that medics can't heal only self while moving, but still can heal other players. Increased amount of health gained from damaging zombie a bit (for Berserkers) Fixed that Glock was replacing .357 Magnum. Added small anti-exploit protection for Cade Kit (you can't use it if you are not standing at solid ground): Added new perk for commando that allows him to see zombie's helth and detect Ethereal zombies via crosshair. Customized zombie's soundsteps a bit. Fixed Engineer's leveling (well almost): Perks: 'Increased barricade health' 'Increased pulse rifle clip' 'Increasing chance to spawn with pulse rifle' 'Increased mine damage' Perk ladder: "Barricade 60 times", "Deploy 150 tripmines" (lvl 0-1) "Barricade 120 times", "Deploy 350 tripmines" (lvl 1-2) "Kill 600 undead with mine", "Deal 30k mine damage" (lvl 2-3) "Kill 850 undead with mine", "Deal 90k mine damage" (lvl 3-4) "Deal 250k damage with pulse", "Survive 150 rounds" (lvl 4-5) "Deal 500k damage with pulse", "Survive 300 rounds" (lvl 5-6) Going to fix commando, support and berserker a bit.
  21. Engineer changes so far: Engineer will spawn with Barricade Kit. Added "X% more barricade health" instead of "X% more turret damage" perk. Fixed lvl 0-6 Engineer's leveling (still needs some testing)
  22. I think that they are fine atm but the main changes will be in leveling requirements (watch the first post)
  23. Some perk's effects such as increased healing speed
  24. I'll take a look later. Fixed medic's leveling up to 4th level at the moment Requirements: from 0 to 1 lvl - "Heal 10k hp", "Open 100 supply crates" from 1 to 2 lvl - "Heal 20k hp", "Open 250 supply crates" from 2 to 3 lvl - "Heal 500 injured people", "Heal 450 hp from supply crates" from 3 to 4 lvl - "Heal 1000 injured people", "Heal 750 hp from supply crates" (maybe I'll increase amount of hp gained from supply crates a bit)
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