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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by NECROSSIN

  1. Well, in this topic I'll post upcoming changes and some possible ideas. SVN Changes (These changes already in svn version): [bALANCE] Medics now can heal if they are not moving. (No more Run'n'Heal tactic) Upcoming changes (they will be added to SVN as soon as they will be 100% completed): [bALANCE] Decreased Zombine's max health from 320 to 260. [bALANCE] Decreased Poison Headcrab's speed. [bALANCE] Slightly decreased Glock damage. Possible changes: [FIX] Leveling system Since the current level-up system is bugged I'll make a few changes: Medic: "Pick up X health vials" will be replaced with "Open X supply crates" or "Heal X points from supply crates" Commando: "Kill X headcrabs" will be replaced with "Kill X amount of howlers (or poison zombies maybe)" "Pick up X ammo boxes" will be replaced with "Open X supply crates" Berserker: "Kill X headcrabs" will be replaced with "Kill X amount of ethereals(or howlers)" Engineer: Probably I'll bring back the old cade kit (the one from old zs) "Deal X amount of turret damage" will be replaced with "Deal X amount of mine damage" Support: "Pick up X ammo boxes" will be replaced with "Open X supply crates" or "Pick up X nails from supply crates" Feel free to suggest good balancing ideas
  2. This^ (small zs meme)
  3. What's the point of this thread?
  4. Here goes another weapon for Science Inc.: sciencesniper.txt
  5. Duck Survival?
  6. Behold the modified Jackhammer for Science Inc. sciencejackhammer.txt
  7. Big Black Ball of DOOM D:
  8. Last one for today (for Science Inc. too): sciencear2.txt
  9. Well, here is another one: On hit: same effect from light pistol and smg, but less damage scienceshotgun.txt
  10. Messed around with SWEP Construction Kit and made this little weapon for Science inc. Also here is the code: sciencegun.txt
  11. Lawl. Seems 'Heavy Metal' map contains 2 vs 2 military helicopters on each base
  12. http://blogs.battlefield.ea.com/battlefield_bad_company/archive/2010/11/30/release-dates-set-for-vip-map-pack-7-and-battlefield-bad-company-2-vietn.aspx Awesome . Pre-ordered Vietnam btw Also new trailer:
  13. Uh oh. This is not going well - be ready to meet the approaching army of 'assault-wookies' with scoped g3 and m14.
  14. Oh and dont forget this little nasty weapon for Science Inc: http://www.fpsbanana.com/skins/82845
  15. Some more weapons for Science Inc.: Gauss Gun Nerfed version of Egon Flashbang grenade Scientifical flamethrower (with blue fire ) Something similar to vaporizer rifle from IW Survival Inc.: M95 Sniper Rifle M79 Grenade launcher Dual Desert Eagles Explosive Inc.: Small tripmines or c4
  16. Bare hands
  17. Mission: "King of the Briefcase" - hold the briefcase until timer runs out. Mission: "Raining money" - collect all packs of money on the map. Mission: "Silent killer" - Assassinate the target using only melee weapons (or bare hands). Gotta add some more later

    Fail phisher.

    "хватит пречитать" = "enough talking" or "stop talking"

    Fail phisher.

    Lawl. He added me Gotta troll him when he will be online xD --------- nvm.. the real owner got his acc back
  20. Calm down everyone! If you want the cool updates - then you have to wait for them, so stop complaining about zs. You know that Deluvas is doing the best things for zs!
  21. ..and toasted headcrabs?
  22. These guys are awesome :
  23. Best. Zombie-sandbox. Ever.
  24. Well, ZS keeps getting better and better
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