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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by NECROSSIN

  1. I am back with another idea for IW This is the new rifle (for "Assault Pro" maybe?). Name: '#567 HellFire' Rifle Damage: 17 Clip size: 20 Rate of fire: 0.18 View/World model: Galil Custom sounds?: yes, I have one improved sound. Special: this rifle have a 35-45% chance to ignite enemy (or props). and 5-10% chance to ignite the "world" (makes a little "env_fire"). Coded?: Yes. Some effects: Sure. Video: I hope that this rifle will improve the Infected Wars gameplay. Comment please!
  2. With snowball fight!
  3. Got new ideas: - "Be serious" - Get 5 kills with your sniper rifle, while being zoomed-out. - "Survivor" - Survive a 100 times in total (as a human of course). - "Tesla-Trooper" - Get 20 Vaporizer kills in one round. - "Watch your step" - Get 5 propkills as a Bones in one round (not teamkilling ).
  4. it works fine for me. (cause few days ago i got Slacker and Deus Ex in a row )
  5. Just watch and enjoy. ...still cant connect forum profile and steam ID
  6. Got 2 more achievement ideas: - "Dead Gears" - Completely destroy a turret with your Hornet Gun. - "Undead Faction" - As a Behemoth, get 2 crowbar kills in one life. And some funny stuff: http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/9862/updatex.jpg
  7. Photoshop+ Google Pics + Achievement background hmm... one time i had 2 kills as a stalker in a row
  8. I have a few ideas: 1)Warghoul Overdrive: Weapon: "Acid Spitter" Replaces Infection ball and Shade ball. Damage: 13-20 Special: Marks the humans (as an infection ball) Attack Range: small - medium 2) Stalker Overdrive: Weapon: "Stabber" Knife Damage: usual hit - 5-7 dmg, backstab hit - 45-65. Special: No screaming, and small health regeneration when stand still (maybe???) 3) Some achievement ideas: - "Who is your supplie?" - Heal a teammate, who has 1 hp and no suit power. - "Akimbo Assassin" (or "Pistol Ownage") - Survive a round using only a pistols. - "Blind the Sniper" - as a Warghoul, blind the zoomed-in human. - "Bombs Away!" - Plant the 500 Prox mines in total. - "Detected and destroyed" - As a Warghoul, mark and kill the last human. - "ExperiStab" - As a Stalker, kill the Experimental by the single backstab. - "That's a grenade" - Kill 3 undeads by the single grenade. - "Triple Stabbed" - As a Stalker, get 3 kills in one life. That's all, right now
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