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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by ChickenAttack

  1. ingame nick: lecock [ctf] fun
  2. Morata is killing it at Chelsea 2 goals and 2 assists in 1 and a half games :/

    1. Maher


      Arsenal got banged AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    2. RealJesus


      Did fuck-all against us, will do fuck-all against any decent team with a proper defense. He did good against Everton because their back-three is Keane, Ashley Williams and Jagielka, all slow and mediocre defenders. 

  3. Does anyone know if hamachi has stopped working? Lowis wants to make a map with me and he says it isn't working for him.
  4. Nice guy. Good luck Dannizz aka FLUPzz
  5. ROFL! In an ideal world, Ass you'd make a great admin! Can't fap and like this post enough!

    (surely at least work 10 million euro on jesus was a fapper scale?)

    1. RealJesus


      ter stegen should have saved that goal; his goal in the first leg was amazing though

    2. Maher


      asensio future for madrid 

      what a 2 bangers in first leg and second

  7. don't give him ideas. next thing he'll be sent to prison for selling weed to @WesEdit
  8. +69 for this fapmin with a dark powermoose past goodluck mad
  9. Sry guys didn't make it on time. next time ill be there probably
  10. 75% off ets2 until 5th of july, summer steam sales if u wanna buy real cheapo
  11. any specific maps with extra objects and shit, or just cookie ctf maps?
  12. Goodfellas!
  13. Give this fapper mod status! Good luck Maheritooo!
  14. I like what sandy said in the other thread but not fully agree. The line based on the top 1 player would be too much. And I'm not sure if the whole idea is a good one too, but could be interesting to follow ones own line... these lines are designed for colin mcrae rally or dirt racing games which are completely different and involve way more accuracy and drift
  15. do you have a split personality or something? you said you hated it in the other thread.
  16. EMC lives in India, he was probably forced into a marriage by his family and has no time to play anymore. Not all of us are decadent europeans fapping into the sunset of Albufeira sprinkled with music by Madredeus.
  17. If we could combine MH with SH on the same mode it could be a testing ground for MH and it would appease the complaints from SH fanbois, it would kill two birds in one shot. After all, CG was introduced in the place where a SH round used to play.
  18. I think that plan's awesome. Even though i hate sh its obvious a lot of ppl like it a lot so reducing it to 2 round might not be fair. Then again, SH as its replayed so much is doing like DM, taking up too much time and stopping it from being a mix.. Also I don't know what would be more attractive, a mix that's unique and true to binslayers beginnings or just another ip that panders to the big userbase of sh and dm fans out there. It's difficult to say if mix's most popular era which was back then when it had slightly more players than now when we have to compete with a lot more nextgen games, was due to the unique thing mix had or because there were more players on mta back then.
  19. ill try to make small payments in the future and not be my usual self-indulgent self
  20. Dozer is NTS. Delete dozer and you end up with shitty race. #BringbackPotPlant
  21. Who's we... and why post in behe's own private thread about this and not on the poll thread which btw ctf won... CTF was promised to keep fire on when fire transfer was deleted and that didn't happen. MH could be fun, but CTF deserves better treatment.
  22. (wtf just now when it was getting interesting it goes silent...)
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