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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mathijs1996

  1. Could we get a /f enemy all Command ? please =X
  2. Ywa, how was your date with the bisexual girl ?! :o I want to know!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. terminator


      He's dating hundreds mom again?

    3. The Lazy Peon

      The Lazy Peon

      This can only go well

  3. Rangers might winrar, but we succeeded in entering their obby base :3 Kissie, Discord
  4. origin is the reason I don't got the game yet
  5. Let's play sometimes then, Xeim And Mathijs, stick to MC and CoD NO since I don't got CoD. I'm a big bf fanboy! I love my bfbc2 but I miss the jets to much!
  6. Soon getting an ethernet cable, I hope I can improve this then
  7. I wish you the best of luck, if you won't get it don't feel bad. Just stick around on the forums and don't forget to be active in IRC aswell (; Good luck bro!
  8. The people who use xray to spot spawners, end portals, caves, ravines, ... aren't included in this number right?
  9. arg :'( Are we getting an edited spawn tough?
  10. Ranger's base = DED

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Mathijs1996


      I know, probably high tech and shit :X

  11. Ehm srly? and maybe under? In TF2 1000gc takes a looooong ass time to get I get 250 gc for one day playing ... Pfu, When we want to have some fun you logg of or do f home. Can I also pay for you being an enemy ? >
  12. This is more expensive then the actual greencoins shop .. And if you're nuts anough to buy this, I'm selling it cheaper!
  13. all these glitches are server sided, the exploits are told in secret to clavus (;
  14. And this is why I made a glitches reporting topic :X I'll give you the link. I dunno either what It is actually :S
  15. Same. Wow, Is Clavus an alt of blueyoshi to ?
  16. I'll kill em, keep your diamonds Haha, you can try... come to spawn lets bet I win
  17. I'll kill em, keep your diamonds
  18. I don't really care Didn't know we had soo much comic fans around here in the community
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